
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sad News

I was shocked to receive this e-mail from Najma (wife of Farouk Mahmoud).

Dr. Farouk Mahmoud

22:32 (9 hours ago)
to me
Just to let you know that farouk mahmoud passed away peacefully today 27th November at 2.45 pm in london.
His funeral will be in london tomorrow.prayers will be conducted in Sri Lanka tomorrow at his sisters.
103,Ravenscourt rd,Hammersmith london w6ouj.

Mobile 00447491802332


Najma mahmood


  1. Lucky
    Thank you for communicating the sad news. I am deeply saddened by the news of the loss of yet another friend and batchmate. His good humour and the broad smile that was ever present will be a lasting memory for us all.
    “Inna Lillahi Wainna ileihi Rajioon”
    "We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."

  2. I am sad to hear the news. He was indeed a good friend and always think of the days we, Indra, lalantha and Farouf got together to study for the finals. My deepest sympathies to the family

    1. Bala, good to see you on the Blog and let us hope for many more appearances. May be you can send a post on how it felt to be part of a Bala group consisting of Yankee, Con, Thatta and I have forgotten the other special name for No 4!

    2. Hi Bala. Welcome to the blog. How are you doing? Do keep in touch with the rest of the batch through the Blog. How time has flown since those days in the Faculty of signatures and appointments.

    3. Bala,
      Good to hear from you via the blog.It seems the loss of a good man brings people together. Remember, playing carrom with you & Lalantha & Farouk. Lalantha used to measure the trajectory of the disc before unleashing his shot ,with devastating results often, much to Farouks amusement. I last met him in his place in Strathfield, Sydney, Australia over 10 years ago .
      Bala, we lost another common friend in Jana Mahadeva ( Delhi) over a year ago.
      A fine man.

      Indra A


  3. Didn't I tell you! There are many out there who rarely comment, but they do visit the blog. Thank you Bala.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It is always sad to hear news of the loss of a batch colleague and my deepest commiserations go to to his family. I knew him best when he and I were both at Regent House and I recall him fondly as a sensitive and charming man. A reminder to all of us as we get ever closer to the departure lounge, to make best use of the time we have left, to forgive and forget whatever injustices that we had to endure and make Peace with the World and be content and happy.

  6. It is always sad when a batch-mate pass on. He was a very good friend, mate and fellow muslim. The last time my wife & I had the good fortune to enjoy his company was at the 2007 Reunion at Cinnamon Lodge. We had dinner in his & his wife Najma's company at the final day of the gathering... this memory of him will linger on.
    As ND said, "Inna-Lillahi, Wa inna-illahi-Rojoon".

    I shall pray for him along with the Congregation at the Dundee Grand Jumma Mosque this Friday.

    Farina will contact Najma in due course.

  7. So sad to hear of the death of a good batch mate whose hallmark was a charming smile so vividly captutured in the photo.My deepest sympathies to the family.Thank you Lucky for the em and Speedy for arranging the automatic notification.

  8. Good to see you on the Blog (what a terrible name by the way!) and I am glad the automatic notification is working and for the benefit of anybody who missed, here is how to set it up again.

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