
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Indra Anandasabapathy in Sri Lanka

A few of us met Indra at a dinner hosted by Senarat and Hemantha Jayatilake last evening.

L - R: Sanath, Hemantha, Senerat, Pram, Mangala, Lucky, Indra


  1. Good to see all of you. How long are you staying in SL Indra?

  2. Great photo of elegant ladies and distinguished looking men. I wish there was a write-up to describe how it all went. Ok I take it, a picture is worth a thousand words.

  3. Nice to see batch mates meeting regularly and strengthening friendships that began over 50yrs. ago. 'Carry-on Meeting'

  4. We spent a lot of time sharing "old stories". I commented that our non medical wives must be wondering what we talk about for so long at Reunions. It's mainly sharing these "old stories".

    At our last Hikkaduwa Reunion 2012, in my welcome address, I had included a power point presentation. That included some very old black and white photographs (od the 2nd MB trip, Block Seniors vs staff match, Final Year Trip, Block Concert etc. The one where 5 or 6 were pissing on the wayside during the Final Year trip was so funny. Lubber was exposing his genitals and it was clearly visible.

    1. Lucky
      Thank you for the write up. I know you are very busy organising the reunion. I wish the reunion my very best and hope it will break all records to be the best ever. You will miss the expert hands of Priya Gunaratne but you will have her blessings.
      Good Luck

  5. I contacted Kamini (Gunawardena)who is in Melbourne today by phone and spoke to her after over 40 years! It was fantastic to exchange news with her. She is very keen to attend and will be contacting Lucky shortly.

    1. Glad you made contact with Kamini(Gunawardene) Ferdinando. I had the good fortune to meet her at a Conference in NZ @ Whakatane (won't pronounce it the way Maoris do!!). At the end of the Conference I took her & her mates (along with my 'regular Hosts' Dr Desmond Collins & his wife Dr Puvi Collins) to a Night Out Meal.

      Good times are forever memorable.

    2. I am so glad to hear that. She sounded her usual self after all these years. I do hope she comes. She is hoping that Rohini Ana would also come.

  6. Shall await her e-mail confirming attendance.

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  8. Lovely photo, familiar faces, air of friendliness: I do appreciate being part of it at least this way. Thanks! Zita
