
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

This is my latest musical composition on my Yamaha Tyros 5.
It is based on the poem "Tears" written by Polish Poet Magdalena Podobinska with whom I have collaborated before.

Please click on link given and NOT on the picture to start the video.


  1. Mahen
    This is a lovely piece of music. The lyrics and the evocative images support the melody completely. I enjoyed the vocal and the arrangement very much. You have become a master of the Tyros 5. Well done.

    1. Thanks ND. Always a pleasure to do these musical compositions. Even more satisfaction when the audience approves! I know very few comment but it is the "doing" that gives me most plesure.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I must pay tribute to the Polish Poet as those words touch the inner soul. It takes me back to the days of wine and roses. A melancholic tear jerker no doubt but that again it was a part of our emotions and psychological make up at certain times of our lives. Thankfully our age gives us some protection from the trauma of it all but not complete immunity. Mahen, you certainly have captured the mood with the music and arrangement. Now I need a walk in the park to smell what is left of the roses and return to reality.

  4. ND. This is the original poem by Magdalena.

    At the end of the day
    I’m all by myself
    The loneliness is too painful now
    Almost unbearable….
    I can’t understand that you’re gone
    After having slept in your arms
    The emptiness now….
    It feels so cold

    How am I to breathe?
    It was the time of my life
    It was the space
    where we would communicate
    I can’t stand loneliness
    after having been with you

    No one danced like we did

    No one danced like we did

  5. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'November 24, 2016 at 6:43 AM

    Mahen, my friend,
    As usual a great rendition with those Autumnal scenes, depicting that we are in our Autumn of our lives and the lyrics-- a premonition of our WINTER ahead & what is to come????.
    Sorry for being so pessimistic!!!
    Cheer up & keep well, my friend.

    1. It is a funny thing MSF, the discovery that if we were able not to react to any external event that affects us, in our minds and just let it bounce off like rain on a wax surface, we won't be unhappy but ............we also won't be unhappy! Q to you MSF, are H and U two sides of the same coin?

    2. Got the last bit wrong and I am therefore repeating it.
      It is a funny thing MSF, the discovery that if we were able not to react to any external event that affects us, in our minds and just let it bounce off like rain on a wax surface, we won't be unhappy but ............we also won't be happy either! Q to you MSF, are H and U two sides of the same coin? Await A to Q in due course.

    3. Will do.
      I shall oblige U in a separate posting as U have provoked me just as I did to bring out the "tigress" in our Rohini in a another setting!!!.
      Watch out for it.

  6. I waited patiently to observe how batch members comment on Speedy's latest creation. Personally, I am a great admirer of his creations on his Yamaha Tyros 5, especially his own versions of Amaradeva, TM Jayaratne et al.

    Although there are 11 comments, I notice that only ND, Rohini and Raz have commented. When will we ever have 20 or so clamouring to get their comments in!

    Right now, I am trying my best to get more to participate in our upcoming Reunion. I also want them to commit themselves in writing (with an e-mail). 5 years ago, we were saddled with a problem when a few backed out at the last moment, leaving us with some reserved rooms but no occupants. Fortunately, Chaya Tranz in Hikkaduwa was a John Keells Hotel
    and Swyrie was able to settle the matter. In 2017, it's a Jetwing Hotel and we'll be facing a problem if we were to overbook. As you probably know, there is a huge demand for hotel rooms in SL now.

    1. Thanks Lucky. I know ND and I have felt somewhat "should-we-still-contribute"ish but we think that what you started is a good thing and even if few people seem to appreciate it now, hopefully things will change. In John Lennon's immortal words, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us".

    2. Thanks Lucky & Speedy.
      I too had such 'feelings' & that was conveyed to ND sometime back. Nevertheless, this is a great forum -- -- none like any other to let it 'fall by the wayside'-- so as to say. It is a great pity and a crying shame that more of our batch are indifferent & care less.... DO U HEAR ME, MATES??.
      Nevertheless, let us 'THE FEW' carry on like the British Battle of Britain Airmen in 1940's!!!.

  7. What you see is what you get - no more - no less. If you step back to see the total picture you will realise it is a marvellous forum although not many contribute. Those few have made it so worthwhile. The quality of the contributions have been tremendous with great variety. I enjoy the music, art, poetry and the articles enormously. The comments and the light hearted banter lights up the forum. Some even felt out of their depths reading the high-brow literary efforts!! We must thank Lucky for providing this forum for the batch and maintaining it so well. let us not be discouraged by the numbers. I enjoy the Forum and I know so many do. Long may it last to entertain and surprise us.

  8. Well said ND! I second and indeed would go so far as to third it!

    Go Lucky go hurray!
    Long live the Blog we say
    To absentees I am preaching
    Don't know what you are missing

    1. Thanks pal. You broke into a poem to make the point. It is a point well made.

  9. The number of "hits" has dwindled down to a mere 941,892. We will probably have to wait a long time to see the millionth! What can we expect when our own batch members are so indifferent.

  10. Lucky, don't be discouraged. Carryon as before as the reduced hits is likely to be due to so many reasons beyond your control. As a manager of my school web I know the number of hits are a mere illusion - what really matters are the visible and tangible interactions. For our blog they are just a handful. They are the ones that drive the blog forward. The blog has brought a few of us together. We cherish the friendship and camaraderie that has grown over the years.
    Nothing is forever. As for the present, it serves us well. Let us enjoy it while it lasts.

  11. May I add a Buddhist perspective to this erudite discussion? We must not dwell too long and too much on expectations as they lie in the future over which you have little control and thereby leave us open to disappointment. Let us think of the present moment and open ourselves to possibilities rather than expectations. Our Blog has a great track record and is open to all sorts of new possibilities. Let us gain pleasure from continuing to open up new vistas and new ideas which in the fullness of time may increase our readership but let us at the same time not build up any expectations that this will happen. Let is rejoice for what we have and look forward joyously to new possibilities.

  12. I subscribed for updates today. Mahendra a Speedy

  13. " The beauty of this song is not only the whole sad theme and the beautiful singing, but also the punctures it creates in one's mind as the slide show takes one through the sad journey. One can just get into the mind of the person this event happened to. I am sure there are very few who have escaped such an event. Thank you, give us more!

  14. Mahen
    Well done my good and faithful friend. Your email had an encouragingly positive response. More than what you say it is the way you say it that does its magic. The general good feeling and the genuine kindness that you were able to generate during our medical student days have survived the ravages of time. To "wake up sleeping cells" that lay dormant for so long needs that magic you possess. I am greatly impressed by it all but not surprised. You seem to have negotiated a lifeline for the blog to revive and revitalise it. I sincerely hope it works. In a dark corner of my mind is a cynic that whispers to me "De ja vu" we have been there before!! Good Luck

  15. You are very kind and generous with your comments ND and I value you support very much and it is great to have such a good friend.

  16. You can now receive notifications of new posts in the Blog to your chosen email address.

    Please go to the Blog ( will see near the top Right "Follow by Email", just below "top comments". Please enter your e-mail address there and click on "submit". A new window will open asking you to type some characters to make sure you are genuine (and not a robot). When you do that, you will receive an e-mail in your Inbox with a link to verify that you did request receiving notifications from the Blog. Click on that and you will be told that you will receive a daily notification if there are new posts, no new posts --> no e-mail notifications etc. I don't think you will receive a notification if someone had commented. This is applicable only to NEW posts.

  17. I enjoyed the sadness, the reflection, the immense sense of loss that you are trying to portray in this lovely piece done with the collaboration of two talented individuals and one machine. i.e. Magda, Mahendra and the Clavinova. But the machine will not do anything without the magic touch of fingers and the artistic mind and musical talent behind it. Thanks a lot! It gives everyone an example to set about using their talents. Zita

  18. Thanks for your generous comment Zita. By the way, I am in love with Tyros, you are the one obsessed with Clavinova! No worries as both have the same parentage, i.e., Yamaha. I am glad that you use your talents too!

  19. Thanks for pointing that out, Mahendra! I told you I am in a state of something like suspended animation where my senses have taken leave of me so Clavinova and Tyros seem to be the same. I have got to add that you are really master of this art of getting the best out of a machine. Hey, isn't that another difference between Man and Machine? The machine is a piece of junk in this case without the Man who is operating it. Well done, again! from Zita
