
Friday, October 14, 2016

"Cricket 'loverly' Cricket" and "Ball Games"

By Razaque Ahamat

Recently a lot has been written about this great Gentlemen's Game in our Blog. It appears to some that this game in Ceylon/ Sri Lanka (SL) is played only in Colombo & it is the epi-centre or the centre of the universe for this game in SL!!!. One forgets that by far the most number of Internationally recognized & renowned players from SL, the likes of Kumar Sangakkara, Sanath Jayasuriya, Chaminda Vas & Muthiayah Mularatheran to name just a few, all have been nurtured and nursed in the cricketing nurseries of schools from 'out in the sticks'. Let us take our very own from our Golden Batch, Lareef Idroos & Cyril Ernest for instance, they are from the cricketing nurseries of Mt. Lavania and Meegomuwa (Negombo)!!!.
So, it is not all Colombo.
Now, my pedigree in cricket begins with our namesake A.C. Ahamat was the very first non-European Cricket Captain of the then Ceylon. My Dad, Hajirin Ahamat was the Captain of Wesley College, Colombo and went on to Captain the Combined Schools in the 20's. His brother M.S.Ahamat  played for Royal and was better known as Ruggerite and athlete. Was in the team that broke the Public Schools 110x4 relay record. One of the members of that team was Dr. H.S.R. Gunawardene, the former Director of Physical Education and more importantly father or our very own Dr. Karmini (Gunawardene) Ferdinando, presently in NZ. I had the privilege of meeting her at a Conference in NZ at a place called Whakatane (pronounced in Maori as "Fxxk-a-ta-naye"). At the end of the Conference I took her and her mates out to dinner and had a very pleasant  evening along with our 'regular' hosts Dr. Desmond Collins & his wife Dr.(Mrs.) Puvi Collins --- both from one of our junior batches.
As for my exploits in this great game--- I played at every level (Under 14, Under 16 & First Team) for my school as an opening batsman and wicket-keeper, donning gloves to protect my fingers / hand and also pads for my shins & upper thigh. In them days we did not have the benefit of helmets and arm protection. Also, most of all I had have protection for my 'bottom $' or shall I say my 'family jewels' almost all day in view of my position in the team. This brings me to the "Billion $ question of the of the Bottom $ / Family Jewels" in Ladies Cricket??. Do they too wear protection for that part of the anatomy as they, I believe do not have 'bottom & & nor family jewels'!! This has been a conundrum to me as I do not know the answer!  Can somebody please, ladies in particular,  enlighten me??.
Now as you all know Gentlemen & Ladies play all manner of ball games. In Cricket ladies are very good in the field as they can hold on to & catch the balls.  Also can really belt the ball just as in Field Hockey. In Football, boy oh boy, can't they kick the balls around?? All in all Ladies do play far more ball games than men -- poor men!!! Take for instance Netball..... not only are they good at catching the ball, they even put it through hoops!!!
I rest my case. 

(Note by the Blog Administrator: This article by Razaque was sent in a few days ago. I regret very much that I have not had the time to edit it. As I have quite a few contributions waiting in line, and since there was a spate of articles on sport lately, I have published the unedited article)


  1. I remember well seeing Razaque's father's name on the board in the school pavilion - - 1926 M.H. Ahamat (Copied from the Wesley web). The oldest schools cricket match is Royal-Thomian 1877 and the 2nd oldest is the Royal- Wesley Match now played for the Sir Frank Gunasekera Shield. Incidentally these games were then played in the Galle Face Green.
    Razaque, from the time I have known you have been well padded and you wore the box with grace and style and perhaps needed it on and off the field. You have always been a great charmer and we were immensely fortunate to have you in our batch. I wish you would write more often
    to our Blog as I love to read them written with humour and such honesty.Take care my friend.

    1. Thanks ND for those 'underserved' comments!!!.
      Yes, I was endowed with a good amount of 'padding'---thanks to the genes from my parents and their support!! These days that padding has depleted as I have been careful with my diet after my encounter with the Cardiac Surgeon in 2009.
      We must be most grateful to Lucky Abey for formulating this Blog so that we could say things without fear nor favour and also to Mahen for all the support he has put in, to keep this Forum afloat.
      We must NOT forget all those who have written into it, the Poetry and the Creativity posted from time to time. Of course not forgetting all those original. lovely music and songs that has kept all enthralled. It has kept us all informed and in touch all these years.
      Those who have shunned this Forum and not joined in, do not know what they have been missing.... its their loss....

  2. Well I never! I must admit that I was totally ignorant of your sporting exploits my friend. The whole family was clearly into sport in a big way and you were no exception. From the time I got to know you, nobody would have accused you of being undernourished! But that is the way it goes and fortunately for us who knew you, the extra padding that surrounded you did not impede your development in any way, Have you ever had the experience of gravitation pull without warning and if so, I am told, that such padding does come in useful!
    Keep writing and keep commenting. I am sure what we have seen already is just the tip of the iceberg!

  3. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'October 16, 2016 at 1:46 PM

    Thanks Mahen.
    Nevertheless, you have brought the question of 'TIPS' into the discussion. It has been a very SORE 'point' a very long time since I lost it as a little 'Muslim' boy!!!!
    It is a well known fact that those with extra 'padding' do come off rather lightly in a crash.
    I knew of a guy, Prof. Tim McIllwain, from NZ who was involved in many motor accidents due his love of 'Barley Water'(lost his Driving Licence many a time as a consequence), also escaped unhurt in an air crash in NZ, was an extremely huge man. I knew him when I did my SR rotation @ Royal Marsden Hospital where he was a Haematologist.
    So that's life!!!.

  4. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'October 17, 2016 at 4:57 AM

    Continuing on the 'tips' theme, THE TIP is now long gone after a 'Titanic' event / episode & the 'iceberg' is now 'tipless, Now what is below the water line is yet to be revealed!!. I have a few more Posts to be presented on a subject that I have been at it since my teens in SL and for the last 42 years in the UK. All will be revealed in due course as I have a bit more work to be done on them!!!
    It will certainly be a surprise to you all, on my creative side of my persona.
    Please be patient!!.
