
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Creative Spot - Green green grass of home (original by Tom Jones), sung here by Joe Subasinghe wit...

E-mail from Zita and my reply.

Dear Lucky,

The following is a you tube link where Joe sings Green green grass of home by Tom Jones to my playing.
It's got a lot of mistakes but I have put it on the you tube.

If you consider it ok for creative spot, please use it. But you know I am quite happy whatever the decision.

Green green grass of home

Dear Zita,

Many thanks. The amateur in me didn't notice any mistakes. It certainly deserves to go on our blog.



  1. Zita and Joe
    Simply wonderful. No other words to describe it for the memories it brings back. I was a raw green intern with the world at my feet in 1967 when the Tom Jones favourite hit us like a storm. It simply took our breath away. I remember our raucous parties in the HO's quarters when we sang it with such emotion, boozed to the hilt. My boyhood inhibitions were gone when I danced my infamous one-legged dance. How time has flown.
    Thank you

    1. Oh I would have loved to see your one legged dance, Nihal! Thanks a lot for all the kind comments. It means a lot as I was really nervous this time.
      Thanks again! Rita

  2. One of my favorite songs. Thanks for the memories- Nihal says it all. Great effort.Thank you.

  3. That was a wonderful rendition of an all time favourite..... who cares about any mistakes??
    While this song 'rekindle' & bring back some 'memories' that I have long forgotten & do not wish to dwell on, is one of the greatest songs ever. Joe & you have done justice to this melody.
    Another tune that still rings in my ears is Joe's rendition of "One day at a time, dear Jesus" that was belted out @ our Reunion in 2007!!!
    Regards to you both.

    1. Thanks Razaque! I'll tell Joe. Oh I can understand the emotions and memories old songs invoke and rekindle. 'One day at a time' is a song one can cry to as it talks of a wonderful confidence outside of our human person and it makes us feel we are not alone. Zita

  4. Zita and Joe,
    I enjoyed it very much-thank you both-
    I can appreciate the great effort-even the pictures to go with the story line were spot on .cheers
    Thank you both-cheers

    1. Rohini, I am relieved all of you received it so well. I felt it was not good at all and was so nervous. But the main thing is for one not to expect perfection, in all things except when one treats one's patients, for we want that to be near perfect. Zita

  5. Replies

    1. heureux que vous aimez notre blog, mais qui ĂȘtes-vous?

  6. Well done Zita and Joe! Joe has his own inimitable 'homely' style of singing which is so appealing. Zita is of course the accomplished keyboard player we all know. Please do send some more joint efforts.
