
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Galle Intern group photo 1968

Sent by Kumar Gunawardene

Sriani/Rohini Ana, 

Please make corrections and add. Help identify especially the Peradeniya guys. You can do it as a "comment".


Seated L-R: Ranjan Fernando, Amitha Samarakoon, ?Vasantha Thuraisingham, Maldeniya, ?????, Rohini Abhayaratne, Vipula Aryasinghe, Dharmani Perera, Sriani Dissanayake, Chitra Perera, Rohini Senaratne, Swarna Withane, DR Ramyasiri

Standing L-R: Percy Karunatilake, Siddique Cassim, Jupiter Moonemale, S.R. (Sunna) de Silva, ?????, Kumar Gunawardene, ?M.Viswanathan, ?Byrd Gunasekara, ????????, PG Cooray, Daya Mudannayake, Ranjit Jayawardene, Lakshman Thenuwara, Fulgentius, DSC Attale


  1. Oh please! Would someone identify these handsome guys and gals? I know very few students from our parallel batch in Peradeniya. And further, I am sure Colombo Medgrads would love to have contributions from them on this Blog! Rita

  2. Zita, Do you have any group photograph of the HOs taken at any of the Quarters where you were staying? I think you did your Internship in Colombo.

  3. Looking at these group pictures one thing is common to all of them. They are supposed to be kept for posterity, but even if well preserved it is difficult to identify the people in it .Most often we are guessing. So the purpose of taking them is lost. The following factors affect clarity.Pictures have too much fore or background,all have two rows of people negating clarity especially at the ends.The photographer has to stand back , even with a wide angle lens to get everyone in the picture,( which will also make the individual images smaller ).The individuals at the ends are further away from the camera lens further reducing clarity of those at the ends.

    We should try using a third row instead of sticking to the old two row system. The need here would be chairs , benches etc, not always readily available.Worth remembering & looking for though.

    Thanks for the well preserved photograph, Kumar.


    Maybe we should try taking the picture with three rows of people. Stools, chairs, benches would prop up the third row, shorten the width of the rows, and improve clarity . Something to remember for the future.

    1. Indra,what you say is so true-
      Needed an expert photographer like you to figure it out.
      Thanks for the valuable input.cheers

    2. Thank you Indra for your expert comments.As your photos attest you are an accomplished photographer.1968 technology was relatively primitive.This was taken by a cameraman from a local studio.I bought my first decent SLR camera a Minolta in 1975.I was able to take great photos and slides .Now for convenience ,when travelling especially I use the IPhone and IPad.Pl keep on posting the beautiful pics of your flowers.

  4. Kumar, thank you for unearthing this photo to bring back memories of our days in Galle, and thanks Lucky for posting it.
    I can identify some of them but a few names elude me ,though I
    remember them.
    seated- at extreme right next to Swarna Withana is Ramyasiri.
    Standing-progressing left from the 3rd from right-are Lakshman Thenuwara,Ranjit Jayawardena in glasses,Daya Mudannayake.
    No.8 from the right is Byrd(?Gunasekera).
    I shall forward a few others as they come to mind.
    A few who were there at the time,but are missing in the photo
    are Chandra Silva(physician SL), Lalitha de silva(?dermatologist in UK),Ranjit(Bole) Cooray.
    I remember Thenuwara and Ranjit Jayawardena with much gratitude and affection-both of whom were my senior CoHOs, without whose guidance and support I would have been totally lost as I embarked on this profession as a responsible clinician.

  5. Thank you Rohini for responding to my request. Using your information, I have amended the caption. Is it Chandra Silva who is seated next to Rohini Abhayaratne?

  6. Lucky, Iam sorry if I was'nt clear in how I placed the guys!
    shall try again!
    standing from L to right-
    no.8-Byrd Goonesekera
    10-PG Cooray
    11-Daya Mudannayake
    12-Ranjit Jayawardena
    13-Lakshman Thenuwara
    15-Attale as you've already got.
    It is not Chandra Silva next to Rohini Abhay-She was not a colombo graduate and I cant remember her name.
    I made a quick call to Mudannayake who is in Auckland ,but he couldnt remember her name either -However he identified PG Cooray and Fulgentious.
    The cheeky,inquisitive,precocious errand-boy in front of me was Namadasa!!
