
Monday, August 1, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Another musical contribution from me.

The song I sing is "Rani Enko", which I am sure  you will recall with pleasure. The original hindi song on which it is based, was from the B&W film Patita (1953). The song was sung by Hemant Kumar and Lata Manjeskar. The Sinhalese version "Rani Enko" was sung by that great combination Rukmani Devi and Mohideen Baig. This is my effort accompanying myself on my Yamaha Tyros 5.



  1. I am sure there were quite a few comments on this posting. Is it that I am imagining or getting a bit GAGA---- can now blame my age???.
    A good 'whipping boy'!!!!.

  2. Where have all the comments gone, long time passing?
    Where have all the comments gone, long time ago?
    Where have all the comments gone?
    Gremlins have picked them everyone.
    Oh, when will they ever learn?
    Oh, when will they ever learn?

  3. It's all my fault. I modified Speedy's original post because I wanted to get the video thumbnail to appear so that the video will start when you click on it. But alas! I forgot for a moment that the valuable comments will be lost when I replace the original with the new version.

  4. Not to worry Lucky life is too short as I have realised recently.

  5. Hey! Mahen where are you? It is not like you to not comment on the comments!!

  6. Hi ND.I was in Birmingham! I am afraid the comments are gone. There is a possible complicated way of retrieving them but ...

    1. The Substantial One.August 4, 2016 at 5:19 AM

      I hope Mahen, you don't find 'POL KUDU' in the bowl while in B'ham like ND???.


    2. Dear SO, Fortunately no pol kudu or kudu of any kind!

  7. Oh! No problem. We will concentrate on the next issue and the goodies to come. What is gone is history.

  8. Zita's comment retrieved. "What a beautiful song revived by an excellent singer to bring back such wonderful memories of our past listening to the original version and then the Sinhala variant! And now this! Well done!"- Zita

  9. Glad you retrieved my comment, Mahendra!. This song takes us through various stages of our early years, medical days and then the occasional rare chance to listen to it. Now you have revived it and are doing a really great job. Rita

  10. Sorry my name keeps coming up as Rita. No I have not changed my name but it is thanks to 'Autocorrect' which is so determined to rename me. But I reaffirm my name as Zita (keep away Autocorrect!)

  11. There's a gal called Zita
    Sometimes known as Rita
    But nobody can beat her
    She's there when you need her

  12. Once she called herself "NITA".
    So it is Zita---> Nita----> Rita.
    Like a criminal with many Aliases???
    But she has a face of an angel and her poetry is as that of a Poet Laureate!!!.
    That's our own Zita.(no more synonyms .... please)

  13. She call herself ZITA,
    Then, again goes as NITA,
    Now again moved to RITA,
    Nexr will it be EVITA???
