
Monday, June 13, 2016

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

A visitor on our balcony -- OSPREY


  1. Wonderful pictures Indra. What sort of camera/s do you use?

  2. I'm guessing that you took these pictures in FL. I see an Araliya tree. The Osprey is looking right at you! Enjoy your photography! Srianee

  3. The Osprey was shot in Florida. He was about 10 feet from me separated by a glass sliding door. He knew i was close but did not care, as seen in his attitude & eyes. He did move his head like the dancer.
    The Araliya tree is from Staten island . Note the Rhododendrons in bloom in the background. They have finished blooming here in NY,now. I have it in doors in winter.
    I have a Canon EOS 550D body, with a 300 mm lens as a separate attachment- for safari, bird pictures etc. The regular
    lens on the camera is 18-55mm.
    The other one I use often for near situations is APPLES I phone which takes superb pictures in those situations and more. Apparently the US drones use this technology.
    I use the Canon with the 300 mm lens for distance shots - lions etc, on safari. The Apple actually I believe does a better job for the regular bread & butter shots.The Osprey was an I phone shot. I had the cell phone on my hip, had no time to run into the apartment & fetch the Canon camera. You will see what a job the cell phone did .


    1. Thanks for your detailed info on Camera. I tend to use my Samsung smartphone mostly because it is there when you need it and the quality of the photos are great. A long time ago, I carried an Asahi Pentax with additional wide angle, telescopic and macro lenses. I just cannot be bothered carrying that gear but for distance shots, you can't beat the telescopic lens

  4. I am the late Zita commenting at the end. These are a treat and very educative to me. Thanks for sharing. I am so proud to hear of the great variety of interests our dear batch mates have!

  5. Rather fear-some looking bird, Indra--- like some of the 'Birds' I have known. Gave them wide berth, lest being 'grabbed'!!!
    Great pictures Indra -- continue the good work.

