
Friday, May 27, 2016


By Zita Perera Subasinghe

You gruesome beast, you uninvited guest!
What do you really want of me?
Controlling, sadistic, annoying pest!
Are you supposed to benefit me?

You are a warning, something’s a foot
But you do not know your limit
I have a problem and must get to the root
But it’s not within your remit

Selfish pest needing much attention
Fed with tablets you quieten a bit
Suddenly you’re back with a vengeance
You think I am a dimwit

You claim attention like a spoilt child
I stoke you with an ointment dollop
You pretend to get quiet and mild
Then suddenly ‘Crash, bang, wallop’!

You start again, you spoilt brat
Mild at first slowly increasing
Creeping up like a stealthy rat
Lapping it up but demand unceasing

Pharmo prof said of  you this way
It’s like explaining something familiar
Known to us day to day
In terms of words unfamiliar!

So it means you are an enigma
You are an inexplicable mystery
Even to define you are a dilemma
You have been throughout history

OK Ok you have your slots
But do not try to overdo it
Remember that I call the shots
No! I don’t have to prove it!

Calm down dear, it’s going to be fine
Your tenancy is at an end
There are others waiting in line
Get ready for a new best friend!

Miss you? No not in a million years
The final hour it does seem
No I won’t shed any sad tears
Take me with you? Don’t even dream!
You are sad you have to go?
I cry boo hoo, oh really?
I would like to let you know
You overstayed your welcome clearly


  1. Brilliant as usual. Zita, I am sure I echo all our readers when I say that your poetry is always worth waiting for. Keep it up, pain or not!

  2. Zita
    That was simply brilliant and most appropriate for our time of life. We fear physical and mental pain more than anything else. If relief is not within your grasp let us all hope it will be with you soon. With my very best wishes. ND

  3. Thanks, Mahendra and Nihal! I feel very humble in front of both of you with your talents. This subject however is something I knew you'll understand well. Who doesn't!
    Thanks again! from Zita

  4. Zita, that was a 'jolly good one'---- just like the other ones.
    What a Gem from our 'Poet Gem'?
    The photo was equally a 'Beaut'---- what a 'Pair'.... of FEET??
    We want more of everything!! Keep it up.


    1. Razaque, you are the star really and your presentations we wait for impatiently. So thanks for your kind words. I truly appreciate them.

  5. Brilliant as usual. Zita, I am sure I echo all our readers when I say that your poetry is always worth waiting for. Keep it up, pain or not!

  6. Amazing .

    Indra A
