
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

I celebrate life

Based on a poem by Magdalena Podobinska and played on Yamaha Tyros 5 by Mahendra. The music was composed by Mahendra and uses in-built facilities of the incomparable Tyros 5.


  1. Mahen
    I listened to Tyros 5 after a long lapse. You have mastered the instrument and it sounds very professional. I like your American Jazz drool which gives it a New Orleans feel. It shows most elegantly your competence as a fine keyboard player. On a personal level I prefer your renditions of the old SL music to the newfangled fusion. Please be aware that we appreciate your fine talent. It is a breath of fresh air after reading reams of text on the Blog. Thank you for your fine effort.

    1. Thanks ND. As you rightly indicate, musical taste is varied and vive la difference! It is always nice to hear that the car is good although you may prefer another model!

  2. Superbly composed and sung by you, Mahendra, with soothing lyrics with such deep meaning and optimism, by Magdalena, is something to welcome at anytime but above all now when we need some uplifting in our lives. Thanks to you both! from Zita

  3. Speedy, that was most enjoyable. Do keep us entertained as you have been doing in the past.
    Sriani Basnayake

    1. Thanks Sriani. This was new territory for me. I haven't tried that type of slow blues singing before. Glad you enjoyed it. May be we can do a duet next March!

  4. Speedy, Iam impressed by the different styles of music you play without ever having learned to read music as you've indicated before.Though Iam not a great blues fan I thought you did very well.
    I wondered whether the voices in the background were also produced by the Tyros.Thanks for taking us on your musical adventures-look forward to hearing your duet with Sriani too -cheers
