
Monday, April 18, 2016

Creative Spot by Kumar Gunawardane

Kumar had written this three years ago while on a trip to Queenstown, New Zealand. It's about Lake Wakatipu.

I walk the winding rutted path,
By Lake Wakatipu,
The air is heavy scented with pine,
A gentle wind ruffles the emerald water,
Brooding woods hug the shore.
A clearing appears,
I sit on a wobbly rock,
Distant mountains loom,
Brushed with powdery snow,
Clustered tree tops speckled golden yellow,
Like streaks on a maiden's hair.
Time stands still,
I wish you were here.


  1. Kumar, lovely to hear from you again. Yes, I wish I could have been there to share the glorious scenery in NZ. I must have visited Australia over 20 times, but never visited the country next door.
    Sriani Basnayake

    1. Thank you Sriyani.Next time you visit Australia you must go to South Island at least.The four of you can motor around from either Queenstown or Christchurch.The roads are good,little traffic and gorgeous countryside.The people are lovely too.South Island,Canadian Rockies and Norway are three of our top favourites.


  2. Wonderful poem Kumar! You must surely have written more. Let us see them please!

    1. Thank you Mahen. High praise indeed from an accomplished writer.Will do.


    2. Thank you Mahen .High praise indeed from an accomplished writer.

      Will do

  3. Absolutely beautiful Kumar- Perfect pictures doing justice to reality.Cheers

    1. Thank you Rohini. Three years ago in the month of June we spent a week in this absolutely gorgeous town.Almost everyday Kanthi and I would walk around Lake Wakatipu.What bliss.One day we went by a vintage steam ship to Walter Peak farm.A wonderful experience of a working farm with mustering by sheep dogs,sheep shearing and woolspinning.Another day we went to Milford Sound
      An unforgettable holiday.


  4. Kumar
    Stunning photos. I wish I was there. Your poem forms a golden frame for those wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Nihal.What a wonderful compliment.

      Looking forward to your next literary jewel.


  5. Kumar, I forgot to mention that I have visited the area, including Milford Sound when I toured the South Island with my brother Jayantha and family a few years ago. It was an unforgettable experience with some stunning views. Some areas reminded me very much of rural Scotland. When I read your verse, I re-lived that wonderful experience.

  6. Kumar, Thanks for your reply to the very brief comment I made earlier as a quick acknowledgement of your post, as I was busy with visitors from overseas.As you'd imagine,I have travelled all of the South and North islands many times over the years and have enjoyed them everytime- NZ is beautiful anytime of the year with it's snow capped mountains,the glaciers,the mirror lakes, and the beautiful native forests. The steam boat you took would have been the Earnslaw if you remember -We've taken a lot of our visitors on this to the farm and mustering station in our youth!
    I have shared your beautiful blank verse and photos with my visitors whom I have just returned to the airport for their flight to the South Island. Many thanks

  7. Sriani, The next time you visit Nim and Justin in OZ I hope you can persuade them to join you to visit NZ and visit me too!
    Leave at least 12 days to see the South Island at a comfortable pace as anything less we have found too rushed. The North Island can be covered 3-5 days depending on how much you wish to see. Look forward to seeing you-

  8. Rohini. As you know, I do go Down Under to visit my brothers and so far I have not planned it well enough to visit you although at least we had a nice telephone chat this year. The next time I come, I shall definitely factor in a visit to see you. Not sure when yet.

  9. Nice to hear from you Kumar.
    You know that I was in NZ for about 6 years and have visited almost all tourist spots in the N & S Islands--- particularly the North. Most of it was as the head of the NZ Blood Service @ Auckland at the expense of NZBS!!. Took every opportunity to arrange an inspection of Blood Banks @ 'nice places' and extend my stay & 'as a spin off' see the terrain & taste the local 'grape juices'(wine) --please don't shop me to the Mosque!!!
    As for the country, it is one of most beautiful places on earth -- of course not withstanding 'our'own Sri Lanka and 'my' Scotland?? Enjoyed my stay -- weather was great, food was delectable, fresh & abundant, Wine was fine....... but 'the women were even BETTER'-- only as a manner of speech-- read your own conclusions into it!!!!.


  10. Have to agree with you Kumar, though I have not been to Norawy. I believe you are talking of alpine scenery. I have been to both South island & the Canadian rockies- Branff, pristine and unspoilt by humans. South island has lots of white sheep and then among them some black sheep, a sight to remember.
