
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Creative Spot by Zita Perera Subasinghe


I would like to thank Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale for taking a great deal of trouble in presenting this set of verses in the present form, using his skills in many fields and always being encouraging and helpful.

Many thanks, Lucky. I do appreciate what it must be to have us all sending 'this and that', asking for 'this and that' and you having to deal with it.
It's a massive job you are doing and we all appreciate it. I only hope more of our members take the opportunity to share things with the rest.  We would all welcome it so much.

Zita S.


  1. I think it is a beautiful production, as we have to expect from our talented Zita. Fret not Zita, your last verse in this piece is still a distant scene. Let us have more of these from you!

  2. Zita
    This is poetry at its brilliant best. A long march from childhood to the autumn of our lives in beautiful evocative verse. My first day at school although a long time ago has remained so fresh in my mind. As kids we had our own dreams. Some were realized and the rest fell by the wayside. I can relate to each age with scintillating clarity. We all, no doubt, turn our clocks back briefly to reminisce and recall some of those moments we cherish. Despite the long journey what matters now is the present. Let us enjoy it while we can.
    Thank you Zita.

    1. I agree with you, Nihal. This is the age at which we can think back on our childhood and we remember things with a lump in our throats. It happens mostly when we think of our dear parents. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all.

  3. PS to viewers. Please click on the poem and it will appear in a bigger window making it easier to read.

  4. Mahendra and Nihal, thank you for your comments and I appreciate your philosophy. It is at times sad but on the whole happy for us to have got to where we are, I too think. I agree it is the present that matters.

  5. Well Done Zita! You do have a talent for poetry and music! I agree with Nihal, enjoy the present to the hilt! Your poem is poignant and the images enhance the sentiments expressed (Thanks, Speedy!) Somehow, I have to keep reminding myself that I am actually in my seventies now. My chronological age is advancing far ahead of my emotional age! Keep going to those French classes Zita. I've been trying to master the German language for a while and that is definitely a workout for my grey matter!
    Remember, the aging process is not entirely negative. There are some qualities that one acquires only with age: Experience, Wisdom, Perspective, Peace of Mind etc. Can anyone else add to this list?

    1. Thanks, Srianee, for your kind comments and I empathise with you on loss of memory. It is amazingly worrying, isn't it? The way we can look away for a second and wonder what it was we were going to do. I gave up studying German long ago. But have stuck to French. And thanks for reminding that ageing is not all negative.

  6. Wise words Srianee! Just a clarification on behalf of Zita. She chose all the images to go with it and I just arranged it and produced the final version which was published. She was the masterchef and I was just the cook.

    Ageing looms much more because like the "other Sriani" said, APR, benign forgetfullness are realities and although theoretically, the call for the last flight can come any time after boarding the plane of existence (like my pun?), it now appears a more realistic possibility and hence the need to maximise our time and live in the present. Enjoy your stay in Sunny (but wet?) Sri Lanka

    1. Mahendra,I like that expression, plane of existence, and I can add that we have piloted it without letting it crash and now we are ready to enter that other 'plane' and for me, it can't come fast enough. It's not that I don't enjoy this life but a time comes when one wants to 'move' on.

  7. Thanks Mahen. I am enjoying some "down time" in addition to the usual visits to people and yummy food. I'm getting some exercise as well, trying to keep the APR at bay. It is not raining any more in Colombo although it was raining heavily before I showed up. It is unusually warm for this time of the year. Far better than the cold and snow!

  8. Zita and Mahen-you are both very creative and talented- thanks for sharing your creations with us-RohiniAna

    1. Rohini, you are one of the most creative and we enjoy your contributions. So?? It's time for the next one of yours to be published!
