
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Visitors from abroad

A record number of batch members from abroad have visited Sri Lanka in the past few months.

Among them
1.Rohini Abhayaratne,
2.Indra Anandasabapathy,
3.DSC Attale,
4.K. Balachandra,
5.Haris Boralessa,
6.Chittamparanathan Thiagarajah,
7.Sanath de Tissera,
8.Cyril Ernest,
9.Srianee Fernando Dias,
10.Mahendra Gonsalkorale,
11.Nihal Goonetilleke,
12.Kumar Gunawardene,
13.Suren Iyer,
14.Lakshman Jayasinghe,
15.Nalin Nanayakkara,
16.Cecil Saverimutto,
17.Ranjan Wattegedera,
18.Lakshman Weerasooriya,
19.Jimmy Wickramasinghe.

These are only the visits that I have been aware of. It is possible that some others may have come in and left without making their presence known.


  1. Lucky, thanks! It's thoughtful of you to give us this information. It's good to know that these are dear batch mates visit our country of birth wherever they live. I may never meet some of them again in my life. So I would like to wish each of them a long and fruitful life and may they and their families have good health and contentment wherever they live and know that we their batch mates always have them in our hearts and minds. I am sure I speak for all our other batch mates.
    I am glad I had the chance to share a very important part of my life with them. I feel I have been blessed to have this chance.

  2. Thank you Zita for your thoughtful comment. I wonder whether our viewers realise that every post that I myself publish is done with a purpose.

    As Zita has pointed out, our batch friends who are domiciled abroad may never get a chance to meet others who themselves live abroad. Those of us who have chosen to live out the rest of our lives in our country of birth are more fortunate in that respect. We do get the opportunity to meet and reminisce every now and then. That is exactly what we did when five of us - Cyril, Kumar, Sriani (Bunter), Pram and myself met at the Coffee Bean on Horton Place on January 22nd. Many such meetings are scheduled for the next couple of weeks as we have quite a "crowd" of 1962 entrants in Sri Lanka right now.

    1. Lucky, the mention of Coffee Bean brings me wonderful memories of meeting long lost friends over a aromatic cup of coffee in very friendly surroundings!

  3. ZITA & LUCKY,
    While I thank Lucky for the information of our 'migratory' batchmates, I fully endorse Zita's comments. As for me I can only lament and say "WHEN WILL I (be able) SEE YOU AGAIN"?? and hope and pray it would be sooner than later---- Insha-Allah/God-Willing/Deos Volante !!!
    Let me wish all my batchmates all the very best of Health and Happiness -- TILL WE MEET AGAIN.

    1. Well Mahendra, you can start by singing 'When will I see you again', and 'Till we meet Again' and putting it up on You Tube!

  4. I have to thank Lucky and Mangala, and Pram who consistently manage to get overseas visitors together at their residencies when they know that we are there. The Reunions are the big events when we meet more people but I do like these mini ones and this is one way to show my appreciation to the hosts.

    1. Pram has been a great friend in always taking the chance to get friends to meet up. I have met our batch mates at Pram's place as she took the trouble to arrange these get togethers, and she has never failed to meet up with me when she visits London. There is something special about meeting up with friends from our teen years and twenties.

  5. I consider myself very lucky to be able spend a few months of the year in warm Sri Lanka (unusually warm for Jan/Feb at the moment) catching up with my family and my friends (from kindergarten days through Medical College). I am still here in Colombo and looking forward to a few more gatherings in the weeks ahead. I agree Zita, old friends are very special.
