
Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Greetings from Razaque

Wishing all Friends, Well-wishers, viewers of our blog, Batchmates and their dear families
A very happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year--- 2016.

"Oba samatama asaneepayen thora, danayen pirunu, vasnawath  suba aluth aurrudah uda wewa.

Nawa vasaray obasamatma kiri ithiraywa".

Razaque, Farina and Family


  1. Ingin semua orang yang aman dan bahagia tahun baru


  2. Happy New Year Razaque and Farina
    Enjoy your kiributh
    ND and family

    1. Thanks ND,
      Yes we did enjoy our 'kiribath'("Parchor")


  3. Saya bichara Bhasa Indonesia sedikit. Kerja di jakarata untuk satu tahun. Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sama sama.

    Bahagia tahun baru!

  4. When did you work in Indonesia Lucky? Did you enjoy your stay?

  5. Twice - on short term consultancies for the WHO. First assignment was from Sept 1 to Dec 31, 1982 (4 months). Secondly from Oct 1 to Dec 31, 1983(3 months) My duty station was Kupang, the capital of West Timor where hardly anyone speaks English (not even government officials, no english newspapers and no radio and TV in english. One is compelled to learn their language. I have forgotten most of it now through disuse.

    It's a long journey from Jakarata by air with a stopover in Denpasar (Bali).

  6. I assume Indonesian and Malaysian languages to be close. My introduction to it has been through their lovely lyrical and melodic music. Terang Bulang, Bengawan solo, Nina bobo, Boerung Kaka dua and Aryati have stuck in my mind since my many visits to Penang and KL. I have been fascinated by the closeness of its flora and fauna to our own in SL. The fusion of Malay, Indian and Chinese cuisine makes it a gourmet paradise. Like in every country it is the people that makes it so special. The country has its ethnic problems and other issues but for a tourist it is heaven on earth.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As for the second part of Speedy's query, I did enjoy my stay immensely. But I wouldn't recommend Timor as a tourist destination. There are so many other places (including Jakarata) in Indonesia where a tourist can enjoy, whatever his or her interests are.

  9. Better late than never, Razaque, Farina and family, and all other contributors above and other batch mates, A Happy New Year 2016! Reading some of the above comments, at first I thought I had agraphia and I had lost the art of deciphering the written word, a small stroke perhaps, after reading 'my story'. I am glad some of our members are able to articulate wishes in other languages.Let me just say Bonne Annee! (sorry can't get the correct accents in French.

  10. Zita, is this a gentle request to have a drink? Bonna aney!

  11. In Scotland, we say "SLANGEVAR" for 'Cheers'--- meaning 'Bonna Aney'...

  12. Apey Zita Dostera Nona ("Madam" in Sri Lankan parlance), Pransa Bhasawa hondata dannawa!
