
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Website of Meththa Rehabilitation Foundation

Sanath has responded to Srianee's request. He had initiated action and Dr. Panagamuwa has sent the web address immediately. Just click on the address provided by him.

By the way, our blog has become a hive of activity, particularly during the last few days. This is what I intended it to be. The sad thing is that only a few are making use of it. We will need a full time Blog Administrator very soon! (Just joking. I will carry on as long as possible).

From: B Panagamuwa <>
Date: 2 December 2015 at 14:57
Subject: Re: MRF
To: "Professor Sanath P. Lamabadusuriya" <>

We have one Sanath.  It is  I created this with my basic knowledge so it is not jazzy or young looking fut it has all the information.  I will update it soon with current news.
With love

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