
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Creative Spot by Zita (Perera) Subasinghe


  1. Zita
    It is a wonderful Hello and also a memorable Goodbye. Thank you for your fine poetry over the year.
    Have a great Christmas with the family
    Take care

  2. Beautifully done Zita and welcome back! It is also well timed and let us hope that 2016 will be better for all of us.

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all readers !

  4. Mahendra, Nihal and all our friends of Batch 1962,
    Thanks for all your lovely comments over the year and thanks for your contributions which I have read with great interest and a big THANKS to Lucky for the wonderful work he has done with the Blog to enable us all to get together .
    Happy New Year, everyone!
    from Zita

  5. Zita,
    As always you have expressed your feelings beautifully. Yes, 2015 was a tough year for many, and like Speedy I am hoping that 2016 will be much, much better. Let's do what we can to make it better. It has been fun communicating with all of you on this blog, and I hope that more people will join us. Thanks Lucky for keeping it alive! I wish everyone a Peaceful, Happy New Year!

  6. Hi Zita, enjoyed your poem.
    Let me wish all our batch mates a happy and peaceful New Year, and may God grant all of you good health in 2016.
    Thank you Lucky for all the hard work involved in keeping our blog alive.
    Sriani Basnayake

  7. Thanks for all above comments. The 'late' Zita has only just woken up almost at the end of January 2016.
    Let's say, 2016 is not too bad so far. This year let's all just have one slogan "Everything is possible!'
