
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Vikara Pissoo Concerto Performance

A mythical Sri Lankan pianist  (Srimath Vikara Pissoo) performing his own composition, a piano concerto, the 3rd Movement of Gonzos Piano Sonata, and compered by another mythical stiff Englishman (Boris Spofworth-Smythe OBE). Gonzo is Vikara Pissoo's stage name.

Please see the Review by Nihal D. Amerasekera after enjoying the clip.

Gonzo’s Piano Sonata by Srimath Vikara Pissoo – A Review by Nihal D Amerasekera

Vikara Pisso was the inspiration for this sold out concert of contemporary music. The performance was introduced by Boris Sposworth - Smythe, a fumbling octogenarian with a flawless aristocratic diction. His audible mutterings and the painful squirming colicky look had the audience in stitches. Boris is a colourful personality of the British Empire, once the envy of the world. His delusions of grandeur is a remnant of his debauchery in the sin spots of the Far-East. His manhood bears the scars of his wars with the spirochetes.

Hiding behind the persona of the psychologically challenged, Vikara Pissoo is an accomplished pianist. The erudite audience appreciated his musical sensitivity.  Despite his occasional Parkinsonic rigidity during the performance he maintained a perfect tempo. The scintillating keyboard skills of this mythical Sonata outshone the lunatic antics of the presenter and the performer. The pins and needles from his Type 1 Diabetes brought on the occasional thump which enhanced the fluency of his magical interpretation of this masterpiece.

The evening sadly ended abruptly without the usual encore as the octogenarian’s colic had reached its climax and needed to be relieved.

This is a reminder of the lives of Schumann and Beethoven who both inconspicuously shuffled between sanity and insanity. Their sublime music will continue to thrill and intoxicate music lovers until the end of time.

The whole performance brought joy and laughter to my life on a bleak winters day.

Mahen, you are a huge talent and we have seen nothing yet but the tip of the proverbial ice-berg. What amazes me is your inherent modesty despite your many achievements.


  1. Mahen and ND - the performance and the review both brilliant !
    Being inundated with visitors,I nearly missed it-
    Didn't imagine who Vikara Pisso would have been and was about to skip it when I happened to see "Review by ND" and opened it as I love reading what he writes! Wouldn't have wanted to miss either of you with your presentations-
    Thank you both for this wonderful entertainment- RohiniAna

  2. Thanks Rohini. You have cleared up one mystery for me. I am quite happy to post and even if a few comment on them, it is quite nice to read them. I was surprised that not a single comment was made on this post which I thought was funny enough to attract people. I know ND saw it even before I "blogged" it. Your near skip because you didn't relate to Pissoo clarifies things. Thanks for your feedback. All the best for Xmas and New Year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Mahen, WIsh you a happy Xmas and New Year too.
    I am sure you'll have more comments once readers realize what it is about.
    Vikara Pisso is not easily identified on a quick glance at the video as the arrow for play falls on his face.
    However who could resist seeing the performance with such a review!

  5. Rohini Ana
    Welcome again to our Blog after a long absence. Feedback is the fuel for musicians, poets artists and writers to do their business for the Blog. Thank you for those generous comments.

  6. ND's review has been much appreciated by both Vikara and Boris (notice that I am using their first names as I know them quite well). The sad news is that the video may have to be withdrawn if the Legal action instigated by Norwegian Presenter Jørgen Fuch Orf is successful. The more discerning among you may have noticed that recording was strictly prohibited and a hidden smartphone was used to record the performance. Let us hope that this action by Fuch Orf will fail.

  7. We are having our own Block Concert on the Blog. Jorgen is not a well man suffering from KAKKER -PUSSAEMIA a variant of thalassemia.
    On the run up to Xmas all seems fair but keep your thoughts clean.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ND, believe it or not, Eric Fuchs is a broadcaster and works for the Austrian Pubic Service Broadcaster ORF, Eric Fuchs says:-"I am happy when I feel myself in the morning and just get out of bed.

    Then I never want to do without: My family These people I admire: Dalai Lama (because of its openness to the world and goodness), Raimund Ochabauer (because of his humanity), Andrea Berg (because of their modesty). My greatest strength: enthusiasm.
    My greatest weakness: no patience. What needs to be: order in life, joy of work. What ever: loss of loved ones.

    The fate says it is always good to you.
    I used the name Jørgen to protect him in case there is a massive protest if the Vikara Video is Vetoed. Hopefully, common sense will prevail.

  10. Please note: My earlier comment "to keep the thoughts clean" was meant for the reader. Much of what has been written has been done tongue in cheek and has dual meanings. They are done in the spirit of Xmas and the Block Concert to an audience who have been exposed to it since 1962.

  11. I'll drink to that! Long live the Blog! Non commentators, please enter this August forum(of course I know it is December!), without fear or favour but with feeling and fervour!

  12. Happy to say that Fuch Orf has withdrawn his proposed action and that the Vikara Video will remain in YouTube to inform and entertain millions. I had a tearful Boris Sposforth-Smythe on the phone just a few miliseconds earlier informing me of this outcome. As they say "All is well that ends well". (with a few exceptions like the pussy in the well).

  13. I am speechless after reading all the above comments. So I'll restrict my comment to 'I'll add Gonzo's Piano Sonata' to my all time favourites in Classical music.'

  14. Bravo Speedy...Having trawled through for fodder for a batch reunion at Peradeniya Med Fac in October this year, what do I find....this awesome performance & review! What a gem!
    It certainly brightened up a gloomy wintry day here too in Yorkshire.
    I bow to your talent & hope to see more of your concerts.
    Are you still in Manchester..would love to catch up sometime.
    With my warmest wishes for 2016 & more music!
    Christine Wirasinha
