
Friday, December 4, 2015

Creative Spot - By Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Intro by Speedy:

This song was composed and sung by me with lyrics provided by Shanta. Shanta's son and swiss wife had a baby boy and Shanta is yearning to see the baby their first grandson. She wrote the lyrics and asked me to compose a suitable song and here it is - the eagerness and happiness and yearning she is experiencing for an event that is going to happen soon.



  1. Mahen
    Beautiful melody and lyrics and sung so well with much feeling. The introduction to the song enhances its beauty, knowing the story. Thank you

  2. Thanks ND. I enjoyed producing and I am glad it has been well received.

  3. Thank you Speedy Wonderful melody. Very relaxing and calming

    1. Thanks a lot Lama Nice to see you more on the Blog. Very best wishes for the coming year.

  4. Thank you Mahen for this great production. I know the feeling & yearning to see ones grand kids.
    Now you get off your........ seat..... and think of what I have always said!!!

    Your G(without the 't')S Friend--- Razaque.

  5. Thank you Speedy, for yet another beautiful, heartfelt rendition. I hope your friend gets to see her grandson soon and figures out a way to establish and maintain that very special relationship between a grandparent and grandchild. The physical distance need not get in the way. It may add a different dimension. My granddaughter once said to me that it was OK that I lived faraway, because every time I visited it was "special." My best wishes to Shanta. And I look forward to more music from you. Srianee

  6. That was very sweet of you Srianee. I have passed on your comment to Shanta who I am sure will find it comforting. Enjoy your Germanic stay and hope I see you in Sri Lanka again one of these days.

  7. Amazing song speedy. WoW!
