
Thursday, November 19, 2015

SLMANA (Eastern Region) Dinner Dance

SLMANA (Eastern Region) had held their Dinner Dance recently in NYC. I have received these pictures from Srianee (Bunter) Fernando Dias. Thank you Srianee for sharing the photos.


  1. Good to see our mates growing older gracefully while still maintaining their charming, dignified and cheerful personalities. I am looking forward to the next reunion, whenever and wherever it takes place and my bet is that it would be in sunny Sri Lanka. Thanks for the photos Srianee

  2. Srianee, lovely to see you- and looking so gorgeous too!

  3. Thank you Speedy and Rohini for you kind comments. I am sorry that I have been so 'quiet' lately on the blog. When I am home in CT I seem to have a million things that I am juggling. It took a bit of gentle arm-twisting by Patas to convince me to drive down to NYC for the event (I am not a regular attendee.) But, I am so glad that I made the effort, because I was able spend some quality time with my old friends. From now on I will grab every opportunity to get together with friends. Yes, I think we are older, wiser, and perhaps better in many ways.

  4. Great to see you Srianee, looking elegant as ever.

  5. Thanks, ND. Hope to see you, sometime, somewhere and not just in a photo. Srianee
