
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Indra and Speedy

Indra Anandasabapathy, Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale and Suren Iyer were in town recently. Mangala and I hosted a dinner at our Battaramulla home to meet and greet them. Suren could not make it but the others were there. JC (Sura is enjoying her second grand child in Australia), Sanath Lama and Pram joined us.

We were able to watch Sanath on TV when the program "Secret of Success" was aired on MTV that evening. See pictures below.


  1. Sanath
    Well done my good and faithful friend. I am basking in reflected glory. Three minutes is hardly enough to decipher and unravel the secret of success but you did a damn good job of it.

  2. Saw and heard Sanath's broadcast and appreciated his outlook on 'Success'. It was crystal clear and totally lucid.
    For me success took and 'now' takes longer...... yet as for all of us when 'it' comes 'it' is sweet & joyful. Having seen 'both sides now' .... I appreciate "it" better--- the sweetness & joys of success and the sadness & BITTERNESS of failure!!!!
    To be a better person with compassion on this earth one MUST experience BOTH ASPECTS....... one without the other you are just-- incomplete!!!
    Does this not remind you of the Great Lord Buddah???

  3. Luckey,
    Thank you for posting the enlightening footage of Sanath's TV appearance and also, without forgetting Yours and Mangala's generous entertainment of our Staten Island's generous Indra Ananadasabapathy!!
    One generous act deserves another!!
    Nice to have another glimpse of Pram, JC. & Speedy once again.

  4. How does one define and quantify success to assume one has achieved it. If one is not a failure does that mean that person is a success. Is success just a state of mind which is temporary and evanescent as happiness itself? Is success something permanent or does it change with time.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
    Winston Churchill

  5. Thanks again Lucky and thanks Pram fro the transport to and from. It was great to see Indra who appeared a bit different at first sight from my recollection but it is amazing how within a few minutes, time just becomes irrelevant and "it seems like only yesterday"! Lucky and Managala are so generous as they host so mnay batchmates when they come with a really sumptous meal.
