
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Creative Spot - By Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Sanasen Nalawenna Sudo

Originally sung by Athula Adhikari, this is one of my all time favourites. In this version by Speedy, he has done a wonderful job. I am sure all of you out there will enjoy.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lucky and ND. I enjoyed doing this and it is nice to know that the outcome was pleasing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mahen,
    Another superb rendition of a yesteryear favourite.
    Aren't you doing WELL???

    Yours only 'Big S' Friend----- Razaque

  4. I am adding a G to you my substantial (S) and genial (NOT genital !) friend.
    Always good to hear from you.

    1. Thanks Mahen.
      'G' can have many connotations - you are not too far from its interpretation of 'genital'.
      It all happened to m as a little Muslim boy!!
      Now even after being a lapsed Muslim, there s no question of a 'pull-back'!!!!!
      'GS' / 'SG'-- friend Razaque.

    2. Raz
      Removed the hat and nothing but the hat !!

    3. Yes, Handy ND, only the hat & nothing but the 'HAT'!!!
      'Hats' OFF---- that's all !!!!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Nice to see you back Rohini. Thanks for your appreciation and support over the years.

  6. There was a medico called Razaque
    Who had plenty of pizzazz
    He is well, quite substantial
    But his mindset not financial
    His humour was clean and direct
    “Enjoy life and bugger the conflict”
    Was his uplifting motto, no!
    A joy to speak and a joy to know

  7. pazzazz and not pizzazz. Not taking the pizz out of you Raz!

  8. Raz
    Let's drink for that lovely limerick - the amber nectar would do me nicely. Remember most fondly the days at Medical College and the fun we had.

  9. My good friend Lionel gave me this single malt "amber nectar" called Scapa and I must say that it is a most satisfying tipple taken on the rocks. My good friend ND who is a connoisseur on the golden nectar may have his own refined views about it and of course my GS friend Raz may have some substantial comments of his own to educate us!

  10. As you know the amber nectar comes not far from Raz's back garden in sunny Scotland. (Despite advice from above to abstain) There are 3 types 1. Highland Malts 2. Island malts - with a peaty taste 3. Blended Malts. The last type is less expensive. I am sure Raz with his expertise could enlighten you further. I raise my hat to the expert.

    1. ND,
      What are you 'under'?? -- missed out on the Lowland Malts like Auckentoshen !!
      By the way I am a 'Lapsed' person and 'take no advice from above'
      You may 'raise' your hat, but my hat is off.!!!!

  11. Scapa single malt is from the Islands -- Orkneys / Shetland. is a great malt while mine are from The island - Islay, such as Lagavulin / Bowmore /Laphrroiagh...etc . They all have the unique peaty after taste --- heaven!!
    Malts should be consumed ONLY NEAT------ at most with about 5mls of water PER DRAM............ & NO MIXERS TO BE ADDED - that would be a hanging offence . Castration is a lesser offence!!!

    Your GS friend RAZ.

  12. There you have it from the horse's mouth. Single malts are to be drunk neat. It is said if a mix was needed they would have added it in the distillery !!

    1. I must confess I add a little bit of water to the single malt. I am now trying to decide if I want castration or hanging.

    2. I am sure I am not committing a cardinal tipple sin by having it on the rocks, at least I hope not as I don't fancy any form of mutilation and that includes castration (although they may be redundant at the moment apart from being useful to maintain a manly profile). By the way, have any of you been to Manly while in Sydney If not, highly recommend the 30 min Ferry.. but I digress, where was I? Ah yes, the Amber Nectar about which I know so much more now although I doubt I will pass an MCQ set by my GS friend Razaque with the Pazzazz!

    3. Yes, we have been to Manly in Sydney & spent the day there..
      Had Moreton Bug (shell fish like lobster) with chips in the beach!!!
      Lovely place, but not as lovely as our very own Hikkaduwa Beach.!!!!

    4. Sorry forgot ID on above post -- It was from your GS Friend Razaque

  13. Speedy, I finally got around to listening to your beautiful rendition of this song. The singing and the accompaniment was great. You seem to be having a lot of fun with your Yamaha keyboard. As for the comments from your buddies, they are getting more and more 'genial', aren't they? (Add the 't' in the correct place!) Keep on singing! Srianee
