
Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Final Year Trip will go down in History!

The Colombo Medical Faculty has just released the Undergraduate Degree Programme Handbook for 2015. The opening chapter on pages 2 and 3 is about the "History of the Faculty" and it is adorned with a few photographs on top. In the pictures below, you will see something very familiar on the extreme right. You are right! It is that famous photograph taken near the Kock Clock Tower on Kynsey Road almost 50 years ago. The other two photographs depict the cover of the book and the acknowledgement on page ii.

Just to refresh your mind, this is an enlarged version of the famous Final Year Trip photo.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky
    Thank you for that post and also flying the flag for our batch. This will be remembered and be on record forever. I can still identify a few like HN with his characteristic pose. How time has flown.
