
Friday, September 4, 2015

Creative Spot - Boeroeng Kaka Tua by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale


  1. Hi Mahen,
    It was great. Wonderful to hear a Malay song and sung well. We Malays pronounce the first word as 'BOO-ROONG' meaning in English is BIRD!! ie. "A Bird called KAKATUA" it brought back childhood memories and would be nice if you could post the lyrics as well!!
    To digress a bit, all our children are all given first names in Malay. The twin girls are named as BINTHAN & BOOLANG -- meaning MOON & STAR and my eldest girl is called MELATI - meaning JASMINE the flower, while our son is called HAJIRIN -- means STRONG!!! That's your tutorial in the Malay Language for the moment!!!
    THANK YOU for the beautiful rendition of a lovely song, Mahen. Enjoyed it


  2. Mahen
    Wonderful melody and beautifully sung. Brings back memories of 1962 and the time we entered the faculty when it topped the hit parade. Then we had all our lives before us and saw the world in vivid technicolour. It also brings memories of my many visits to Malaysia and Penang when I heard it so often as it is still a hit amongst those of my generation. There are 2 other Malay pieces that were popular in SL - Terang Bulang and Bengawan Solo, amongst many others. They have such lovely melodies. Malaysia and its music will always be close to my heart and its gorgeous food close to my stomach.
    Thank you Mahen for the music and the memories. As always you are a gem.

  3. Thanks ND and Razaque. This song takes me back to our Faculty days as it first arrived in the scene about that time as noted by you ND. Originally recorded by Anneke Gronloh in 1962. This had a faster tempo but my version is a slower rumba played on a Yamaha Tyros 4. Anneke was a Dutch singer and was born in 1942. She is also sang the well known song Bengawan Solo.

    Razaque, these are the lyrics and please correct them if I am wrong!

    Cuckatoo, Oh Cuckatoo. - Children's song
    (in Malay)

    Burung kakak tua
    Hinggap di jendela
    Nenek sudah tua
    Giginya tinggal dua

    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Burung Kakak Tua.

    (In English)
    Cuckatoo, oh Cuckatoo,
    Perching by itself,
    Grandma has turned so grey*,
    Has only two teeth left.

    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Lechum Lechum Lechum
    Mu la la
    Cuckatoo, oh cuckatoo.

  4. Speedy, You've done it again my friend! It is beautiful. The funny thing is that I have no recollection of listening to this song in th sixties! Probably because once I moved to the U.S. I never heard it again and it was permanently erased from my memory. That's OK, I loved it. Srianee

  5. Speedy, that was wonderful. As someone had mentioned it was top of the pops at the time we entered Medical College. It was one of my favourite songs. Please sing the "Bengawan Solo" in your own inimitable style as your next effort. Thanks once again for keeping us entertained.
    Sriani (Basnayake) as there are 2 of us with the same name!

  6. Sriani (B). Thank you so much! Your wish is my command and I shall have a go at singing "Bengawan Solo" soon.

    1. Thanks Speedy, so kind of you.

  7. Better late than never, let me say, this song takes us back to our childhood and it is refreshing to hear you sing it Mahendra and you do a faultless job of it, even more to be appreciated as you are the singer the player the editor and the presenter all rolled into one!
