
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wake me up byMahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Speedy's own composition - the music, the lyrics, the singing , the arrangement and the video. He accompanies himself on his Yamaha Tyros 4.

The song is called "Wake me up".


  1. Mahen
    Lovely melody and lyrics. It is a reminder of those halcyon days of raging hormones, desires and infatuations now a distant memory. On looking back they were mirages and illusions. Natures way to procreate and continue the human race. Sounds rather clinical but its true!!
    As for the song - it is beautifully sung and I enjoyed it very much.

  2. Thanks ND. Hormones and raging feelings ! Those were the days. Mahendra

  3. Hi Speedy,
    To do justice to your efforts, I listened to this using my noise canceling Bose headphones and it sounded lovely. I don't know anything about your and ND's raging hormones, but the feeling I got was that of longing and perhaps sadness. It seemed very professionally done, so keep doing it, Speedy.
    Good luck, Srianee

    1. Srianee
      I take your point. We were unable to see the beautiful thoughts and images created by the poetic lyrics.
      It is our youthful desires raising its ugly head again. The passage of years and the sophistication of a professional life doesn't seem to have suppressed our lust and sensuality.

  4. PLEASE DO NOT WAKE ME UP....... I am in a wonderful 'dream world' right now......let it continue for EVER MORE....TO .ETERNITY!!!

    This song so well rendered brought back a NIGHTMARE....... dead since Friday, the 13th March 1970 & buried on IDES OF MARCH 1970....for 45 years!!!
    Once again you have done it. Keep it up. ----- Razaque

    Nice to hear from you. Where have you been all this time?
    I missed your comments. Please keep this contact going.
    Fondest regards & lots of Love to ypu, Srianee. --- Razaque.
    . .

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  7. Lovely to "see"you Srianee.hope you are in good for and glad you like my musical effort. The headphones did not cancel my voice! Please lisend to previous ones too if you got the time.
    And to my substantial friend Razaque, who is by no means substandard, glad you like it and I wonder what memories I kindled, with or without a Kindle!

    1. Mahen,
      You indeed 're-kindled' memories-- with or without a Kindle!!. I do not hold it against you!!
      By the way how is your 'dodgy belly' -- should have had a 'Vindaloo' that would have given you a 'damned good' LOUD ---- 'WIND-IN-THE LOO' & a 'Pyroplastic Flow'---- with or without a "PORROPPAY" --- had you taken heed of my 'advice'!!!

  8. Lyrics,music,arrangement, and singing all done by you, Mahendra, is an achievement unparalleled in history as far as I know! Well done!

  9. That was wonderful Speedy. I fully agree with the comments made by our friends. Looking forward to more of your compositions.

  10. Thanks very much Zita and Sriani for your kind comments . I am so glad that you liked my effort.
