
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Condolence messages on Veda's Passing Away

From D.S.C. Attale

Dear Abey

Thank you for the mail,  I met  Vedavanam  last at   Bobby somasunderams funeral   and  also  we were together  at the coroners court too,  he was the same  energetic talkative veda,  I knew before,  sad I lost contact for the last two years.


From Nihal D. Amerasekera

Very sad news. We worked together in the Blood Bank and I will write an appreciation but this will take time as I m off on my holiday. tomorrow.

Annichchawata sankara!!


From Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Thanks for passing on the information Lucky. Yet another reminder of our mortality. Sadly, I have had no contact with Veda although he has been in London.

Please pass on my condolences to the family if there is a way.


From Bandula Jayasekara

Thank you, and Thanks to Lakshmi for the information. Let me join you and other
batch mates in conveying our Condolences to Veda’s family.

I too have very fond memories of him, of being pleasant, friendly and innocently jovial,
with a smiley face-  ALWAYS, even though I did not have the opportunity to
develop a close relationship with him (partially due to  J & V being  so far apart in the Alphabet).
May be, we’ll meet him again somewhere in the long journey of “Sungsara”.

From Ravi Nadarajah

Dear Lucky

I am sorry to hear the sad news of sivakumar passing away. He was a good friend and a neighbor of mine in wellawatte. I met him in  London at a wedding 2 years ago. We were talking for a long time that day. His family and our family being neighbors were very close. What was the cause of death?

Please convey my deepest sympathies to Dushyanthi, children and their families.


From Nihal D. Amerasekera


I couldnt leave home to go on holiday without paying tribute to my friend Veda with who I spent a happy 4 years in the Central Blood Blank. Attached is my tribute. I spoke with Vedavanam's wife today and passed on my condolences


From Malkanthi Wijesuriya McCormick

Please convey to the family our deepest condolences.

Thank you for keeping us all informed. I know this news must be particularly hard for you because you were close buddies at one time and then life intervenes.


From Rohini Senaratne Anandaraja

Hi Lucky

Thanks for keeping us updated- It is sad indeed. I remember Vedavanam as a jovial nice guy-
I guess you've returned from your travels now- It must have been lovely catching up with your daughter and it was nice seeing the photos too-

Keep well and happy

From Razaque Ahamat

We have had a long chat with Dhushyantyh, Veda's  wife and she wanted me to pass on her e=mail address to you!!

It was very sad to hear this news. Like all good things, they all have to come to an end.
None of us are immortal, which we all should be well aware.

From Appu Sumathipala

Hi Lucky

I am deeply sadden to hear about Vedavanam's death.

I had several jokes with him during our medical student days. It is a pity I never had a chance to meet his  in England before his death.

From Sanath de Tissera

Dear Lucky

Thank you for letting us know. Veda I remember as a friendly chap always with a smile and mixed with all. I am sorry to lose yet another batchmate.

Our thoughts are with the family in these difficult times

Warm regards


Dr Sanath & Kanthi de Tissera
From Kumar Gunawardene

Dear Lucky,

Thank you for letting us know. Its really sad to hear  another colleague  (of those heady days of our youth )passing away.

I remember him as a cheerful guy with a cheeky grin most of the time.

Please pass on my condolences to his family.

Kindest Regards
From Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Dear Lucky,

ND has written a wonderful obituary notice and you too have sent one but I suspect you posted one written by another person as you said "On receiving the sad news from Luckey Abey, we got in touch with Dhushy".

I am attaching his Medical Faculty Entrance Photo which I hope you can include in the Blog.


From Zita Perera Subasinghe

Thanks Lucky!

He does sound a real 'Human Being'. We need many more of them in this world. I didn't unfortunately meet him after we qualified. 
Anyway he was our batch mate and I want to send my condolences to the family. 
I'll visit our blog and add my condolences as I am sure your mail appears there.
Thanks for letting us know.




  1. Speedy, its ME - Razaque who was the "another person" that posting Lucky posted on this Blog!!
    It was my fault that I FORGOT to sign-off.
    Anyway it is great to see that so many of our batch mates have sent in their condolences to Dhushy and Family.
    Veda was a guy one cannot forget -- for his cheek ,impish and boyish behaviour that was at times irriitating and irksome but nobody took any offence as it was all good natured and said with a smile and with no insult, no malice nor venom.
    All I can say now is "inna illahi, wa inna lillahi rojoon" -- in Arabic meaning "To God he belongs, to God he returns"
    Before I forget again I shall sign-off,

  2. I've been reading the condolence messages and the tributes written by ND and Razaque. I was sad to hear about Veda's passing too. It is interesting that everyone remembered his smile and his impish nature. It is too bad that many of us lost touch with him, including me. Thank you Lucky for keeping us connected, even though sometimes it is a bit too late. May Veda rest in peace. Bunter/Srianee
