
Friday, June 19, 2015

Creative Spot by Mahendra Gonsalkorale and Zita Perera Subasinghe

A combined effort between Zita and Speedy. Zita played this beautifully on her Yamaha Clavinova and Speedy  accompanied her rendering his superb voice. The result is the "Whispering Hope" YouTube video.
A bit of history on the song itself, sent in by Speedy.
There is very little information regarding the circumstances of the writing of "Whispering Hope" other than the  fact that the song was written in 1868.  But one thing is certain, the song was written by prolific songwriter Septimus Winner who released much of his work under the pseudonym, Alice Hawthorne.  The text of this  song appears to be based on the scripture from Hebrews 6:19 which refers to the anchor that keeps the soul steadfast.  That anchor is also the "Whispering Hope" of the Christian.
Septimus Winner was an American songwriter of the 19th century. He used his own name, and also the pseudonyms Alice Hawthorne, Percy Guyer, Mark Mason, Apsley Street, and Paul Stenton. He was also a teacher, performer, and music publisher.

Click on:



  1. Zita and Mahen
    That was simply brilliant. It will be hard to match Zita's virtuosity and Mahen's touching emotion. You both have the great ability to connect with the audience. This song took me back to my childhood when we sang it at the end of term concerts at school. Its simple lyrics of hope and optimism for a better tomorrow holds true today as it was a couple of centuries ago.
    The Youtube clip went on to Boerung Kaka Tua another of my favourites.
    Thank you for giving us such pleasure.

  2. ND, I am touched by your comments. It is so pleasing to know that what you have done has given pleasure to others and this redoubles my own pleasure in doing these.Rain drops make the ocean- a collective consciousness is required to experience real pleasure. Thanks again to Zita for her brilliant keyboard skills.

    1. Nihal, I join Mahendra in thanking you for your kind comments. It means a lot when someone of your sincerity says them. And Mahendra let me remind you 'It's the Singer not the Song'! or the playing.

  3. Zita and Speedy, Congratulations on your wonderful effort! "Whispering Hope" has been one of my favourites since I was in school, and it was lovely listening to your version. I listened to it thrice before closing it down. Thank you so much for your effort.

    1. It's good to hear you reminiscing about old, school times, and the words are poignant to us all. Thanks a lot for the kind comments.

  4. Thanks Sriani. I am sure Zita will join me in saying how much it means to us "performers" to give satisfaction to our listeners. Al the best and please send any more "oldie" suggestions for the M&Z treatment!

  5. Rohini A tried to place this comment and for some reason couldn't and she emailed me. I am therefore doing it on her behalf.
    Dear Zita and Mahen
    Thankyou for the beautiful performance of Whispering Hope by the two of you-
    Beautifully played and beautifully sung-
    I spent a very long time trying to get my short comment in after your item,but failed, and ultimately thought I have to congratulate you both by email at least.
    I haven't had much time to look into the blog as I am currently doing a full-time locum for a friend
    but will look in from time to time - and look forward to more from both of you

  6. Dear Our M & Our Z,
    Superb rendition of a Classic...... it was indeed CLASSIC!!
    Great to SEE that the two of you are "SEEING EYE TO EYE"!!!

  7. Thanks Razaque. Do you play any musical instruments?

  8. Dear Mahen,
    In fact my family are all very competent musicians. They all play the Piano, including my dear wife. In addition the children all play various instrument combinations ranging from French Horn, Violin, Viola and Cello .and all have Distinction level passes in exams of The Royal College of Music of UK at Grade 8 in all their instrument combinations.
    One played the Viola for the Northern Philharmonic Orchestra and the British Medical Students Orchestra and another played Viola for The National Youth Orchestra of Scotland and a third played fro the Dundee Symphony Orchestra.. Shall stop there.
    As for me..... I play the ".SAX" organ and quite well & have proof for it!!!.......
    As for singing----- the moment I get on stage, the crowd will clear in just milli-nano seconds!!! NO! NO! I DO NOT have BAD BREATH!!!!!............
    .......Its my voice....
    Now you know from where they get their musical talents... its the wife.!!!
    but they get their BRAINS AND BEAUTY... OF COURSE FROM... ME!!!!
    Kind regards,

  9. What a talented family Razaque! Although you claim you have no musical talent (apart from the sexophone!), I am sure you have latent talent , possibly as a recessive gene, which you passed on to your children!

  10. Mahendra,
    The only 'latent' genes that I know of that this 'ugly bugger' could have passed on ,as I have already mentioned are of course, "BRAINS and BEAUTY"!!!!
