
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


It happened this morning at the local Supermarket when we were doing our shopping. I spotted a bargain when I saw two of my favourite 'tipple'---- namely "Lagavulin" and "Talisker" which are Whiskies from the Island of Islay and Isle of Skye off the west coast of Scotland. Those who have tasted these whiskies will know that they have a unique taste of their own.They were at almost half price----- I do not miss such a bargain!!!  I bought a "FEW"  and along with the rest of the shopping, went to the check-out.
While waiting to pay for the items, somebody from behind said" Salam-u-alaikum" in Arabic meaning --'Peace be with you' I looked over my shoulder and to my horror I found the IMAM -- high priest from the local MOSQUE!!!!  I uttered " wa -alaiku- salam" meaning 'Peace be with you too'
Now I was in a "SPOT" --- to say the least. Quickly covered the shopping with carrier bags and turned around my trolley -- it was all great amusement to my wife!!! I beat a quick retreat saying that I had forgotten something and not before glancing into the Imam's shopping to see if he too had not missed out on the bargain of "BARLEY WATER" and watched from a distance till the Imam finished at the till and went away and ......  I paid for my shopping.
It WAS a CLOSE SHAVE indeed!!!
Then we came to the car park to get home when I found the Imam had parked next to me!!!--- cannot get rid of the bugger!! He was talking to two young men with long beards and a woman fully covered all over in black so called "dress" with only a slit for the eyes --- she resembled a BLACK POST (PILLAR) BOX. I just wondered if they were being preached  or at worse radicalised!!!! 
The Imam wanted to know from me if I got what I wanted? I replied that I got my" BARLEY WATER" cheap and carefully packed our shopping into the boot of my car with a chuckle and making sure that they were out of sight from prying eyes!!
Came home and had a good 'shot' of the "BARLEY WATER" IN CELEBRATION!!!.. 


  1. Oh! The amber nectar, what can we do without it? I seek the wisdom of Mark Twain "Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whisky is barely enough".
    Although tempted to make a comment on your story I will refrain.

  2. Thanks ND,----- no thanks for not commenting!!! ...... go ,,on ,,,, go on..
    I have very broad shoulders you know -- broader than most except, I suppose just a couple in our batch and who shall remain nameless!!.
    Nice to hear from you.

  3. Razaque
    I enjoyed very much your humorous commentary of your experience. I didn't want to comment as religion was involved and it wasn't my religion. Discretion is the better part of valour. I didn't want a "fatwa" on me.
    Keep writing and I will continue to comment.

  4. You are so frank and open Razaque, it is quite refreshing. Has this Imam followed you elsewhere? Who knows, he may like Barley water too, purely for medicinal reasons of course!

    1. Thanks Mahendra/Speedy,
      Secret Muslim tipplers are all over. My family and also my community the Malays did it openly, but never failed Friday Prayers and tippled only after prayers!!!. One may call it hypocrisy -- but quite open, so it cannot be. Just look at our own batch -- Jaima, Revo and yours truly -- Quite open in what they all did.
      I am unaware of what the IMAM does in secret, but I do enjoy my Barley, Coconut and Grape water?juices

  5. Razaque
    I enjoy your writing as they are your own.
    By the way I am still waiting patiently for a reply to my open letter. May it be a tribute to our mutual friends Claude Bernard, Ananda Cooray and Ananda Perera. None of them are with us today. Hunupitiya to Wattala every day for so many years brought us together. All I remember of those days is the sunshine and warmth but not the monsoon rains.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. NDn
      It is a great shame that your posting has been censored. I would really like to know your comments. There is always certainly the e-mail , telephone etc... to pass on what you want to say. To me free thought is better than bottling up. Go ..on spit it out.
      As for religion;- does god, heaven and hell exist??? They are all here on earth all around us and only in one's mind!! .All MAN created!!. So go on get on the e-mail / telephone. / 0138256639

  7. Razaque
    It is not that I censored my comment. When I published the first comment it appeared twice. So I removed one. You can see it from the time they were both posted.

    1. ND,
      Got it!! Should have gone to SPECSAVERS!!. or consult my son, in house, as he in the speciality of "Care of the Elderly"!!!
      Anyway shall have long jaw again at some convenient point.
      Raz -----(the more than circumcised version!!).

  8. Having a tipple is not unusual even if you are a Muslim. Most catholics practice birth control although they don't talk about it. It is gratifying that people can see the "greater picture" in religions as what is handed down over centuries may have been subject to conscious or unconscious revision.

  9. Mahen and Razaque
    It is wonderful to see the funny side of life of which religion is a part. Wherever there are human beings their behaviour and actions can bring on laughter. It is certainly not being disrespectful to bring out this humour. To reiterate the old cliche "laughter is the best medicine" it is indeed the answer to the trials and tribulations of life which we all experience from time to time. The Blog is a place of friendship and a reminder of the long and tortuous road we have travelled since we first met all those years ago.
    May Peace be with you

  10. ND & SPEEDY,

    "Wa-alaikum- salam".

    Shall have "one" after prayers today!!!

    'SLANJIVAA'------' CHEERS,, from the land of the "barley water"!!!

    Razaque aka 'RAZ'

  11. Raz
    I love the peaty island Malts
    Friday night is music night. I will have my special 'Isle of Jura' to celebrate

  12. ND,
    Ideal would be a "LAGAVULIN" --18 YEAR OLD if you want 'peaty' flavour!!
    In my in collection at the SPIRITUAL ALTAR", a 'Highland Park',( that also peaty) -- one of only 200 ever bottle in this "Land of the Rising Malts"& it is 60.6% proof!



  13. Raz
    The name Lagavulin rolls well on the tongue when I'm sober. Wont be able to say it after a few!! I will try it if available in England. Highland Park would be too much for me although I can feel the glow under my tongue thinking about it at 60%. I will be closer to heaven than anyone else.

    1. ND,
      Yes you will be able to get the 16yr Lagavuelin., but may be not beyond that... It is as good..... Highland Park ... you will not get the 60+% proof any where as it was a Single Cask, only 212 bottled Whiskey. My dear Daughter got this for me from a Pub that she went to for me B'day--- DON'T TELL THE MOSQUE!!! ...... will you???/


  14. I'll never be able to look at Barley Water again without a good giggle.
    Thanks a lot Razaque! It's fizz-hilarious!

    1. Zita
      Nice to hear from you. Coconut Water in SL is as good... your good MAN will help you IF you need help!!!!!!
      just say "SLANJIVA" --- for me---- when you next toast your drink...
      Good luck & GOD be with you all.

  15. Interesting to see how much 'Good Spirit' the 'Barley Water' has generated!
    Bacchus must rejoice with successful capture of these long-time chums-
    Reminds me also of 'Three Men in a Boat' where Jerome K Jerome wrote-
    "Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need-.........
    enough to eat,enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink;
    for thirst is a dangerous thing."!

  16. Thanks Rohini,welcome 'aboard'.
    Good to hear from you & .no cheeky comments this time!!
    Welcome 'aboard'. We Sri Lankans, have always danced "the Baila" for time immemorial, "Padamata gahaal" with 'Coconut water''!! Bacchus, the Greek and Dionysius, the Roman would have done the 'Fandango' and the 'Hoki koki' probably after 'Barley Water' & 'Grape juice'(plenty of it in NZ!!).
    God be with you.

    1. Razaque,
      I was only teasing you about being cheeky!
      May God be with you too-

  17. Razaque, your post has probably established a record for number of comments! So far 23 in all and counting!

    1. Thanks Mahendra,
      I never expected an innocent & mundane "incident" that occurred at a local Supermarket could generate so much comment and interest!!
      This shows that humour is everywhere, only waiting to be sought out & enjoyed.
      You will note that in the past almost all postings have been "spun" round on events that occurred around me, my life and my experiences.
      Just you wait there are more to follow!!!

  18. Razaque, I too am waiting anxiously for the next instalment!

    1. Sriani,
      I shall not disappoint you all. My next stories will have the following heading.......!!!
      These are all real life and true stories in my experience going back to my childhood. Won't be long ...... in time, I mean !!!!!!
