
Friday, April 24, 2015

Rajarata Medical Students being helped by Sanath Lama

As you all know, Sri Lanka now has a number of  Medical Faculties unlike during our time when there were only two. But one of the biggest problems faced by students in these medical schools is the shortage of teaching staff. You may have read in the media that medical students in the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Rajarata are the worst affected.

It is indeed a noble gesture on the part of our distinguished colleague Sanath Lamabadusuriya to have taken a decision to help out. Accordingly, Sanath will be spending alternate weeks in Rajarata, Monday to Friday. He has responded to the many requests from there considering the fact that there is not a single senior teacher for Paediatrics. Sanath's decision to teach the deserving students in Rajarata is all the more creditable because there had been many requests from the Malabe Teaching Hospital (a private institution that was started by former MP Dr. Neville Fernando) for his services. It is a known fact that students at Malabe are much more privileged and come from affluent homes unlike the relatively poor students in Rajarata.

Needless to say, Rajarata medical students are extremely happy with this turn of events. Sanath is also fortunate that other Paediatricians in Rajarata have been Sanath's former students. According to Sanath, these doctors are very helpful and
have been giving him unstinted support.

We must as a batch, commend our colleague for undertaking this task to meet an urgent national need.


  1. Sanath
    We acknowledge your help and support for the Rajarata Medical Students. This is a matter of National importance and we all hold you in high regard for taking on this assignment despite the distance and the difficulties. You are indeed a legend in the field of Paediatrics in Sri Lanka both as a teacher and a clinician. I have great admiration for the loyalty you have shown to the country, the University and your students, over many decades. May your association with the University of Rajarata be a long and happy one. With my very best wishes - ND

  2. Sanath, ND has said it all. We are all absolutely proud of all your achievements in a magnificent career serving the people of Sri Lanka, and this adds yet another feather in your cap. - Mahendra

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lucky
    Rajarata was a word that I came across in my history book courtesy of SF De Silva, the former Director of Education. It was not a word used commonly when referring to that region.. I realise it refers to the Anuradhapura area. Is Anuradhapura the town and Rajarata the province?

    1. The main University of Rajarata is located in Mihintale (to the East of A'pura). But the Medical Faculty is in Saliyapura which is closer to Anuradhapura.

      All this area is in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka.

  5. How wonderful! and what a selfless act on the part of Sanath, the No. 1 medical student of our time, and a one time Dean in Colombo medical faculty and how lucky the Rajarata students are! We need more like him who have the ability and talent. I just want to place on record my appreciation of his action.

  6. I am posting this comment on behalf of Sanath as he had a problem in doing it himself.

    Dear Lucky, ND, Speedy and Zita,

    Thank you very much for your sentiments. The teaching hospital is at Anuradhapura, which is the capital of Rajarata.

    The Medical Faculty is at Saliyapura whilst the University is at Mihintale. All these are in the North Central Province.

    The name Rajarata is like Ruhuna, and now I have served both these ancient kingdoms.


  7. Lama, we are so proud of you. What a wonderful thing to do for the poor students of the Rajarata faculty.
