
Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Personal Experience - Sent in by Razaque Ahamat

The other day when I was at the Cardiology Clinic, I was very early for my appointment and was seated next to a man when a woman arrived and sat next to me on the other side. She was very chatty and said "Oh this Clinic is not busy!!" Then she followed up by saying "Only three of us and you are the PIG in the middle" looking at me as I was seated in the middle!!.
I replied " Do you realise what you have just said,lady?. I am a Muslim"!! and smiled.
You should have seen her face!!! It went 'cherry red ' considering the present global/racial politics!!!
The other side of the coin is that this animal, PIG/OORA seems to be following me around the world --- if you have read my earlier postings, you will recollect. I suppose the animal is well aware that it is safe with me and will not be EATEN UP in Ham, Pork, Bacon and Pates!!!!

My postings like this one seem all to be "DOUBLE HEADED" ......... just like I was bullied in school by my classmates!!!

Razaque Ahamat.


  1. Razaque
    That was wonderful. Your humour has shown us life is a comedy if only we care to look and listen. To be able to laugh at yourself is true maturity.
    Do carry on and amuse us with your own brand of original humour. I know its all hogwash !!

  2. Nothing like real life scenarios! Great read Razaque. About the Porcine species, none other than Sir Winston Churchill (quite porcine in habitus) who said this,"“I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”

    1. Thanks Speedy.
      During WW2 Sir Winston barked at sir Bertrand Russeli and said "Don't go abroad with me, the world will think that we are famine ridden" Sir Bertrand replied "And seeing you the world will know the cause of the famine"

    2. You forgot to sign off! I wonder who this "Anonymous" is.

    3. Getting old -- short term memory loss!!!
      Sorry for not signing off.
      Its only ME---- yours truly----- Razaque aka Raz.

    4. Razaque
      Forgetting the name Razaque is long term memory loss. Forgetting the name Raz is short term loss. Forgetting to sign off is bloody carelessness.

    5. Razaque
      We look forward to your comments and contributions. Do write when you can. I continue to call you Razaque. Short term memory loss!!!!
