
Friday, March 13, 2015

Creative Spot - Yet another gem from Zita Perera Subasinghe

Zita writes........

Dear Lucky,
I submit the following  for the Creative Spot. You can see that it has received the Mahen Gonsal treatment. I must add that Mahendra's advice, encouragement and  technical help have gone a long way in this presentation just as in others. He is such a generous, helpful person and we are lucky to have had him as our dear batch mate. I keep saying 'May his tribe increase!'
And may I thank you again for your expert management of our blog. I always look forward to reading it and I look out for new  contributors sending in their efforts. 
With kind regards,



  1. Zita, it is always a pleasure to help. When you sent this to me, I had no doubt that it must be shared with our colleagues. I think it is a brilliant work of poetry beefed up with apt illustrations. Keep it up!

  2. Zita
    That was truly wonderful. A beautiful piece of poetry, thoughtful, well written and most vividly illustrated.
    Thank you

  3. Zita
    A well written poem with a message to brighten up our days.

  4. Mahendra, Nihal and Rohini, many thanks for your kind comments. I truly appreciate them.
    We are all one family who share our thoughts and feelings and efforts.
    Zita Subasinghe
