
Monday, March 2, 2015

Creative Spot - A poem by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

The Fool and the Wise One
Face red with anger
skin glistening with moisture
fist thumping, pulse racing
voice sounding like thunder
the fool makes his point

Speaking in measured tones
calmly making his views known
just the facts to support his view
no challenge to accept thrown
the wise man makes his point 




  1. Mahen
    It is a wonderful insight into human emotions. I admire your skill in writing verse so elegantly. Often the Fool and the Wise man are one and the same. But we exhibit those feelings at different times. I am sure with the passage of years we are all more tolerant and wise. The Fool will always lurk within us to pounce when our resistance is low. This discussion brings clarity to our emotions and its usage. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well said, Mahendra! It is a very good rule.

  4. Mahen
    In this day of rage and outrage, this is a great lesson in a little poem.It is great for adults and equally so to teach little kids- as these lessons are best instilled from childhood.Spread it around. I would too if not for copyright!

  5. Thanks a lot for all the positive comments. ND, your point is very interesting (and true), i.e.that both personalities could be the same person. I always wonder whether we are all a multitude of persons a multifaceted prism with different sides being presented at a time! Rohini, no copyright! Please use whatever thing I send if you find them useful. Zita, hope to be in touch soon, now that I am back in sunny, bright and colourful Mancheter!

    1. Mahen
      Are you basking in the sun Down Under watching cricket and meeting friends and family? If so have a great time and dont forget to bring us some sunshine and warmth. We need that here in the UK.

    2. Sorry !! Didn't quite catch it you are back in sunny Manchester.

  6. I am back ND but it is far from Sunny! But, it is nice to be back.
