
Monday, February 23, 2015

E-mail from Razaque Ahamat

It's been a long time since we last heard from Razaque. Although I have as a rule refrained from publicising one's personal problems, particularly health issues, Razaque himself has insisted that I post his e-mail on our blog so that his colleagues will get to know what he has gone through.You will see that Razaque has taken all his recent woes in his stride and written the e-mail with much humour. We must admire the man.

Dr. Razaque Ahamat

11:51 PM (16 hours ago)
Dear Lucky,
Sorry I have not been in contact with you for some time now.
We have had real roller-coaster year in 2014 and it has spilled over
to 2015 as well!!
Farina has had a few problems since her AVR & By-pass ops by way of
dizzy turns and unsteady on her feet. The 'plumbing' seemed OK, but
the "electrics" were playing 'silly buggers'!!! So had a Pacemaker fitted
in December. Now guess what...... she wants to go dancing &... at that....
Kandiyan  Devil,,Belly and Pole dancing!!!!! I am going to have a problem
keeping up!!!.........  Any ideas???
As you are aware my son had abdominal surgery for Diverticulosis and
had reversal of the Colostomy. Operation went well in December but has a
 few issues following repair at the same time of a minor Abdo hernia post
As for me, I had a lot of problems my Asthma throughout the year and had
a bad attack of the Flu despite the vaccine. To cap it all, in January I had been
to the Gym after about 4eeks layoff  and as a 'limber-upper' I did a few minutes
 on the Thread-mill, Rowing machine, Exercise-Bike and the Cross-trainer
---- less than half of what  I would do at peak times. Came home and had lunch 
& siesta as usual &.woke up with a vague chest pain. rushed to hospital and found
to have had a so called "Cardiac Event"  After all the investigations was sent home
after 4 days with only continuation of my present therapy with addition of an anti platelet
medication and no interventios. Have lived to tell the tale ....... AGAIN!!!!
Missed out on God's flight---- still lingering in the 'His' Waiting Room / /Departure lounge!!!
There was an incident that happened while I was being "Angiogrammed"!!
While I was being transferred from the trolley to the 'operating table' my fingers
of my left hand were wedged between the railings of the trolley and one the female
nurse's..... CROTCH !!! Her pubic bone pressing on my fingers..... no thrills for me, but. 
not sure about the nurse!! It was intensely painful. I instantly withdrew my hand
saying "Ouch" She said "Sorry  what happened" while I was clutching my fingers with my
right hand and said "Only checking if I had lost any fingers!!! She retorted " We don't grow
any TEETH down there.... you know"!!! I replied " I am relieved at that as I do not want
a repeat performance as I still bear the scars from my childhood as a little Muslim boy!!!"
On hearing this a Medical student in the team said " Feelings and experiences are mutual
....... I was a little Jewish Boy"!!! We all had a good laugh and calmed everybody. The
procedure went well ..... not needing any interventions (Stents/ Bypasses)------ Thank God..
Once again missed God's flight only to linger in "His Waiting Room / Departure Lounge"
a little longer!!!.  
I had a few 'postings' in mind, but now they are 'past its Best-by-Date / past its "Sell-by-Date'.
If you think this item is suitable for "public consumption", please post this in the Batch Blog.
I shall try and post a few that I still have in mind.... of course time & circumstances
Wish you all Every Happiness, Good Health, and Success in the future. I wish I could meet
you all again............ at least one more time.
Good Luck,
Razaque Ahamat.


  1. Ras aqua, it was so nice to hear from you again and I confess my admiration for you in the way you are dealing with all the problems which have beset you. Good humour has and will always be the balm that will soothe many a setback in life. I wish you and your wife Farina all the best and may you both overcome all these setbacks sooner rather than later. Speedy

  2. Apologies for spelling your name incorrectly, owe it to auto spell checker, the bane of correct spelling! Razaque

  3. Razaque
    To be able to laugh at your own misfortune is a gift you have always had even as a medical student. It takes me back to those days at Medical College when Bernard you and I like 3 musketeers travelled daily from Wattala and studied together for the 2nd MB. We laughed so much about life then. You joined in for the sandwiches and Lanka Lime but when it came to reading you disappeared into the night. I sincerely hope your misfortunes are behind you and you and Farina have better luck from now on. Meanwhile the hospital are a funny old place and don't let your little finger drift to the Garden of Eden.

  4. Hello Razaque,
    Great to hear from you. I'm so sorry that you and Farina have had all these health crises. There is nothing like a good sense of humor to get you through tough times like this. Even though you are in the "waiting room" as you say you seem to be having a good time. I am a little bit puzzled about your fingers getting wedged in strange places. Was it really an accident...? Just kidding!
    Wishing you, Farina and your son better health in 2015. As long as the doctors don't amputate your "funny bone" you will be OK. All the best, Bunter

    1. Hi Bunter,
      "Fingers getting wedged in strange places" reminded me of an incident when I was doing my Obs & Gyn appointment. Our RO was a Tamil guy examining a young lady with H/O of Prolapse of her Uterus. He asked her "KOMDA DENNEY-- KENNADI DALA BELEWADA?" Meaning of course if she had used a MIRROR!! She replied " NAHA, SIR, MAGAY AAS PENAWA HONDATHA KANNADY ONAH NAHA"" Meaning of course that her eyesight was OK!! You can imagine the laughter that went on ......!!

  5. Dear Razaque,
    I read this in peals of laughter. It is a novel way of presenting a gruesom picture of real life giving it the feel of a thriller, with a happy ending. But no one can fail to note the human suffering and drama within it. You and your family give us hope to face life's suffering with acceptance and humour. I wish you and Farina long life. The sell by date has been extended by God himself.
    All good wishes to your son too!
    Zita Subasinghe
