
Monday, February 16, 2015

E-mail from Lucky Weerasooriya

I am publishing this e-mail from Lucky Weerasooriya as a separate post (unedited) as it deserves more prominence and also because it was quite some time ago that Lucky W's last Creative Spot was published. As you will see, it is intended to be an acknowledgement of the comments that appeared under his previous Creative Spot posts.

Hi Lucky, My computer uses safari so I was unable to  reply .This is a reply to  ND, Mahendra, and Rita who wrote gracious  and encouraging  comments.
ND ,Thanks for renewing contact after this many years  and for the appreciation of my pics. I have enjoyed your writings very much.
Mahendra ,     I started painting  after retirement in 2002. Our son Viraine gave my wife and me a series of art classes. I did  a course in water colors  . My wife Ruvini being an advanced artist did a separate course. I started doing portraits off photos and they strangely appeared quite presentable . I used to work late into the night and complete a piece and wake up Ruvini early morning for her comments. My paintings were also surprisingly drawing favorable comments. I had affinity for birds since the early days .Florida is a haven for Bird photography. I did a lot after retirement .During this period  I did some wood carving but had to cut it short due wood dust irritating my sinuses  I have given you a short description of my Hobbies  Additionally I play a few instruments  including Piano Violin Piano Accordion  etc.  Age is taking its toll on how much I do.
Re the Blue heron they are confined to lower half of the states mostly in the warmer areas . They breed in Fla during the spring. A similar bird theSandhill crane also is seen in Fla. They are seen in large numbers in the cooler areas of Canada and north America  migrate to warm climates in winter. Some of them have adapted live and breed in Fla . They are seen frequently in golf courses. I had the fortune to observe from a distance the whole process of nesting and hatching of the young and the initial parenting 
Rita , thanks for the comments  appreciate it.will continue to give some information on the subjects. 


  1. I have commented before on Speedy's versatility. We have quite a few in our batch who are remarkably versatile. Apart from Speedy, we have had Zita, Lucky W., Sriani, Bunter, ND, Rohini Ana, Razaque and others showing their colours through this blog. I am glad that I created it for our batch and it has now turned out to be a good forum and a platform for talented members to display their talents.

    As I pen these lines, my mind goes back to the days when Lucky W. and I were occupying the House Officers' Quarters at Kalubowila (Colombo South) Hospital in 1967/68. As in most other HO's quarters, we used to have regular parties there. Lucky W. used to sit at his favourite corner on a half wall in the verandah (where we used to have the sing songs) and provide musical backing with his piano accordion for the vocalists like Adiel Anghie and myself.

    One incident I remember well is how one of our colleagues tasted hard liquor for the very first time at one of these parties. He had seen others pouring beer into glasses but apparently didn't know much about how spirits (hard liquor) is consumed. While the party was in fully swing, he had returned to the quarters after responding to a call from the ward and happily settled down to pour his own drink. Hardly anyone noticed that our friend had taken the bottle of arrack and filled his glass with the stuff (much like pouring beer into a glass). Although it must have tasted awful, he had continued to take regular sips off his "drink" until he became boisterous and got finally knocked out. All of us being in high spirits ourselves, no one had noticed the man's strange behaviour! By the time the damage was done, his glass which had been full of undiluted arrack, was found to be empty!

  2. It was really good to hear from Lucky W. And, Lucky A, thanks for publishing his comment for all of us to pleased to know that Lucky W too enjoys doing creative things and I hope Manu more who haven't trodden that path, will be tempted to have a go. I can assure you that the pleasure you get out of it is substantial and no doubt helps to keep the dressed AD out of the system!
    Keep going Lucky and we all lok forward to more from you. Speedy

  3. Sorry for spelling mistakes ! There is no such person as Manu! As all of you no doubt gathered, it was 'many more, and the dressed AD is of course the dreaded AD.

    1. Speedy, I am glad to know that you are human! I was beginning to think that you had some superhuman talents.

  4. Thanks, Lucky W. I hope to see more of your bird photography, paintings on the blog, and hey why not piano, violin and piano accordion renditions posted on you tube?
    That would be really nice! Yes we have to be thankful to Lucky A, for this blog which has brought long lost friends and batch mates together. Let's hope we hear from more batch mates standing on this wonderful platform.

  5. Dear Lucky W,
    Please forgive me for sneaking in here even though this is not addressed to me- I don't wish to miss this chance to say Hello to you and how lovely it is to see you are enjoying yourself with a multitude of hobbies. I remember you from med school days with fondness- You were such a lovely gentleman.
    -I have also seen and admired your recent works of art,though much after they had been posted which didn't leave me an opportunity to say Hi or comment.your paintings and the bird photos I really admired.I hope you continue let us enjoy your future works and also perhaps the music-and I wish you and your family the very best of health and happiness in the years to come- Rohini (Senaratne)Anandaraja

  6. Lucky W
    Its lovely to hear from you and see your wonderful work with the brush. I believe you live and worked in the sunshine and warmth of Florida, a paradise for birds. You have captured their beauty most elegantly. Thank you for those kind comments and for being in touch.

  7. Lucky, It was great to read your email on the blog. I was also rather late in viewing your beautiful photographs and paintings, so even though I added a comment, you may not have seen it. Keep doing all the creative things that you do, and I hope to catch up with you and Ruvini on the phone soon.
