
Friday, January 30, 2015

Creative Spot - "Meditation" by Zita Perera Subasinghe

(Introduction by Speedy).
This YouTube clip of a Zita performance is recommended to be shared with our colleagues. She plays "Meditation" on her Yamaha Clavinova 309. "Meditation" is one of the all time great musical pieces, composed by the French composer Jules Massenet for Violin and Orchestra, for the opera Thais in the late 19th Century. Zita performs with feeling and expression. It was a pleasure to listen to it while watching the beautiful selection of scenes.


  1. Zita
    A lovely piece of music beautifully played. The images certainly do justice to the calmness and serenity induced by the great melody. A famous encore. It is truly a meditation and evokes inner peace. A balm to hush this troubled world. Thank you

    1. Thanks, Nihal! It's that great Jules Massenet we have to thank for giving us this memorable piece of music.

  2. It was good wasn't it ND? I am glad you liked it. I do hope that other friends would have a listen and hopefully post a comment. If you do like "Meditation",please listen to the violin version by one of the greatest violinists of our time, Joshua Bell. Here is the YouTube link.-

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for the link. All can listen to it now.I just did and yes he is ace at it. We were lucky enough to see him perform once, and my daughter commented, 'At one stage he almost became his violin!'.

  3. Mahen
    Thanks. I have the Joshua Bell CD. Although it was originally for Violin and Piano there is a version for Cello and Piano played by Yo Yo Ma. It is just brilliant. I find the violin a bit too shrill at times. Classical music is one of my hobbies and have accumulated a large collection over many decades.
    If you like Thai's Meditation you will like Elgar's Chanson de Matin. It creates a magical aura of peace and tranquility. I went to Elgar's birth place in Worcestershire by the Malvern hills. It is that countryside which has inspired him to write such beautiful music. You can hear it on youtube and is written for the violin and Cello. The version played on the Cello by Julian Lloyd Webber captures its peaceful serenity.

  4. Zita, Mahen and ND have said it all- that was beautiful - Cheers - Rohini Ana

  5. Has anyone come across Valse D'ete- an orchestral piece of only 3 minutes
    by a relatively unknown Alex Alstone which I think is very beautiful but doesn't appear to be available on Youtube .I have it on a very old Decca vinyl called The immortal classics by Frank Chacksfield which has several other more popular classics.
    Just sharing! Rohini Ana

  6. Rohini
    There is a piece on youtube of the same name:
    Sung in French with a beautiful melody. Just google it and there may be others playing it too. I remember Frank Chacksfield orchestra which was popular in our youth.

  7. ND and Rohini. This is proving to be very interesting . This is what I found so far with my digging. Alex Alstone is a composer who wrote, "Sonata", "More" (sung by Perry Como in 1956), "Write to me from Naples (1998)" sung beautifully by Dean Martin. He was born in 1910 and may have gone to the happy hunting grounds by now! (RIP).

    Coming to, La valse d'été, means "The waltz of summer". This is the English translation and as far as I know the lyrics were written by Salvatore Adamo

    The day comes to blow the moon
    the waves awaken one by one and
    start dancing in the sun found in the
    arm of a waltz of summer

    the sea we tend his arm of foam
    and the sand has the skin if soft and
    it is good to dream, to walk in the sky on
    the wire from a waltz of Summer

    Turn, turn
    you're my love, you're my dream is
    the waltz of summer
    who married us

    The night was surprised in his round
    lots of love by the world
    but it is their friend, she smiled and said
    "It is the fault of the waltz of summer"

    A star is coming fall asleep in your eyes
    Cradled by our waltz of Summer

    Rohini, I am very interested to know how Alex Alstone came to this. Does your record sleeve give more information? Did he translate or do his own arrangements? As far as I can see, he is not a singer.

    Thanks for opening this thread! It certainly is a beautiful piece (listening to the same source as ND.

  8. And more!

    There Is No Breeze (To Cool the Flame of Love) is a popular song with words and music by Alex Alstone and Dorothy Dick. It was recorded by Judy Garland for Decca Records in 1946.

    And the link to Rohini's music (only a bit is played unless you purchase)

    In this site, the composer for this is recognised as Alex Alstone.

    His compositions are given as

    My concerto Miscellaneous (Classical)
    Symphonie for voice & orchestra Vocal Music Symphony
    Valse d'Été, for orchestra Orchestral

    So, I don't know.May be the title could be used for many different songs by song writers. Rohini, would you mind listening to the link given by ND and let me know whether this has the same melody as your record.

  9. From the little bit played on the website for your Frank C record of Valse d'ete. it sound very different from the Salvatore Adamo version and I suspect they are entirely different. I suppose it is like searching for the title "True love" for songs!

  10. ND
    Thankyou for your response- I did come across this song when I googled to see how I could access the orchestral piece I spoke about -It is not the same- It seems the orchestral piece is only available in that vinyl which is very old - one of the first we bought when we first came to NZ. I also have a large collection of classical albums on vinyl which I am slowly resurrecting even though I have subsequently got them on CDs and am playing them on the same sound system-5.1 surround I think- and they sound absolutely fantastic.
    The Beethoven albums which I have already resurrected sound just like what you'd hear at a concert in the Beethoven Halle in Bonn! By the way the next
    Beethoven festival is in Sept/Oct - They are an amazing experience- only a short flight for you!
    On the Youtube link you gave me I found other interesting things- one was a clip from War and Peace - Natasha's waltz - which was beautiful- Thankyou very much ND - Your help is much appreciated -Cheers- Rohini Ana

  11. Mahen, I am sorry I wrote a quick reply to ND before I had to leave for work not realizing there had been more comments by you in the meantime which I haven't had time to read- I shall have to read them when I get back from work and reply you - I am so sorry-Our clocks are in reverse!! Rohini Ana

  12. Mahen
    I think our comments crossed this morning ( your night).nevertheless you have found the link for the preview of Valse D'Ete and the other music in the record!The Salvatore Adamo version is totally different as you guessed-It's a pity you can't hear the entire piece.I shall check when my son comes whether there is a way of transferring this to you and ND.
    You ask "how Alex Alstone came to this"! I was listening to some old vinyls in the weekend and when I heard Valse D'Ete, I not only wanted to dance but I felt I wanted to pirouette! even though my ballet days were well over by my mid teens! You will see why when you hear the music! And I thought I'll share it. The sleeve only said -Alstone -nothing else.
    I was not aware of any of his other compositions - Thankyou for all the research I learned much- Perry Como's "More" I remember from my young days and Dean Martin Ofcourse I listen to frequently- not aware of who writes the music! Thanks heaps Mahen

  13. ND
    Thankyou for researching Valse d'ete - It was difficult as I found myself.The link that Mahen has given in his comment at 11.57 on 1st Feb takes you to a preview of the music in the record - track 11 is the Valse but you can't listen to the entire piece -.Please see my comment to Mahen - cheers - Rohini

  14. Rohini and Mahen
    I wonder if you remember that Perry Como piece called "Angry" which had a lovely Sax in the background. In the old days of Radio Ceylon this was a real hit. Dean Martin, Perry Como with Bing Crosby just before them were the crooners who dominated the music scene before it was all hijacked by the fast moving Rock 'N Roll music of Bill Haley. I still listen to them on a Friday night with a glass of wine. After all Friday night is music night!!

  15. Rohini, could you please send me your email address through Lucky? I am sure you have Lucky's and he has mine. I don't want you to put it in the Blog as it is public. The one I used from the Batch Directory was returned. Many thanks. Mahendra

  16. Rohini
    Do send me your email via Lucky, please. Some of our comments and interactions require email. Links to music and music sites are so much easier sent via email.
    It never fails to amaze me how swiftly messages are transmitted half way round the world from UK to NZ.

  17. Both you ND and Rohini will get an email from me, thanks to Lucky's help.

  18. I did truly enjoy the tri-olog amongst ND, Mahendra and Rohini!

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  20. My goodness! After all these years I am reading these comments and it seems almost the first time I am reading them, which is not the case of course. But it is so interesting to go back on the above comments some from people I don't even know. I can't remember whether I clicked on the links they sent. But it is never too late to do that.
    Thanks, Mahendra and Lucky for giving new life to an old link! Zita
