
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is this happiness

Is this happiness

By Mahendra Gonsalkorale

Born to die
And time between.
Is Life just about how best to fill the space?
Is happiness an impossible dream?
Like seeking the beginning of a rainbow?

Chase the fleeing animal and grab it

The joy of success,
Now it’s done, pleasure abates
Is this happiness?

Run the race after years of toil and preparation

Heart and soul went into it, and now you’ve won!
The joy of success,
Overpowering effervescence
Now it’s done, pleasure abates
Is this happiness?

Exhilarating gush of air on the face

In a fast open car on a beautiful country road
The spine tingling thrill of speed
And then,
Inevitably slows down
Back where you were
Now it’s done, pleasure abates
Is this happiness?

The tempo goes up and up

Elation at the peak
The joy of success
Abatement after attainment,
Now it’s done, pleasure abates
Is this happiness?

Chase a dream

Through obstacles and pain
Keep going, don’t give up
Realise the goal
The joy of success.
And then,
Back where you were
Now it's done, pleasure abates
Is this happiness?

The temperature neither rises nor falls

Neither happy nor sad
Pain while rising
Pain while falling
with Joy at the peak,
But when it neither rises nor falls
Neither happiness nor sadness is felt
Change brings joy or sorrow
But Change is constant
Constancy could be numbing and empty
Like a sheet of white paper without poetry.

Forever seeking, finding and seeking again,

Never satisfied
Feel the joy of success, only to be back where you were
Now it’s done, pleasure abates
This cannot be happiness.
Let go, stop clinging, stop wanting
learn to savour the moment, the only reality
Be Content and at Peace
As you are, wherever you are, whoever you are
This is happiness.


  1. Speedy by any other name tinkles as soothingly in one's ear, as does your treatise of Happiness. It resonates well with my own thoughts and no doubt strikes a chord in any others' ears.
    I truly appreciate this.

  2. Thanks Zita. Very kind of you. Speedy
