
Saturday, December 29, 2012

End of Year Reflections

End of Year Reflections
(It is expected that a lot of my batch-mates will share my lament)

The Band is playing till late
As Holidays come to a close
Calendar on its last date
Flirts with 2012’s last dose

Our tired heads on a pillow rest
Thinking of the years spent
Hurts, like birds, fly the nest
Hurrah! It’s high time they went!

Love, Peace, our new housemates
Love to all, any creed or race
That includes any one who hates
Us for some fall from grace

Work is over- but days go by
Achievements belong in history
“Not much use to the world am I
About my worth? No mystery”

Sunrise, sunset, eat pray sleep
Ever like clock- work goes on
Retirement is a ravine deep
Which relentlessly drags on

But, Hark! The dawn of a New Age!
2012 Bows out gracefully
2013 takes centre stage
Love, Peace, kick in gleefully

And new Hope there is for all
World’s bitter wars may end
Gun usage too, will fall
And every person will be your friend?

Happy New Year to all my batch mates and their families

From Zita

1 comment:

  1. Good one Zita! Keep going, keep writing and keep contributing! When you write a comment on the comment box, before you click on publish, choose Anonymous from the pick list against Comment as:
    Once you've chosen Anonymous (the most famous unknown person!), click on Publish.

