
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reminiscences of 50th Anniversary batch-reunion

Reminiscences of 50th Anniversary batch-reunion

Aug 31st to September 2nd (bonus 3rd Sept) 2012

Finally, we were on the buses

After months of gleeful anticipation

Hundred plus- batch-mates and spouses

With an air of cheery jubilation

  There were strategic stops, initially

  At Med School and National Hospital briefly

  ‘Hikka, here we come! Look out!’

  As a group none has a better clout

On the way, Jokes to make you wheeze

No group was spared, not Sinhalese

No religion, no clan excluded

No groups, Jaffna Tamils included!

  There was one pit stop for emergency

  It was marked with a capital Pee!

  (We all chuckled in glee)

  Food went round, with fizzy drinks

  While a few grabbed forty winks

  Hikka! We’re here, the Batch 62

  From SL, US, UK, CA, and Aussies too

With our first faltering steps it started

50 years ago when, form ‘normal’ life we parted

But since then what an adventure we faced

Ups and downs, triumphs, failures left us dazed

  During 3 days and two nights unforgettable

  Members, spouses, enjoyed the unrepeatable

  Food galore, meetings, jokes, song, dance

  Such a spirited group,1st time in Chaya Tranz?

Our dear departed mates we remember

Sadly and reverently this September

You won’t be forgotten, never!

You live in our hearts forever.

  Came the time for Academic Presentation

  Sriyani delivered a delectable oration

  About ‘urge to merge’ and procrastination

  Which sadly ends in non-consummation!

Speedy’s subject equally challenging

Was ‘Problems faced by population, ageing’

With his fantastic wit fluency and diction

He neatly sifted fact from fiction!

  These star acts were only a start up

  For more highlights-photos, food, knees up!

  Of ladies in finery, gents in plush trousers

  For photos of batchmates and long suffering                        


  Some tried to hide from glare of publicity

  But the camera caught every pose and graceful


Lunch next with drinks, a welcome high

We said ‘Howdy’ now we say Goodbye

For tonight we can dance, rattle and shake

But tomorrow brings tears and heartache

Dear Mal,Yoga, Lucian, and Mahesan

To you all- Au revoir, Bye, Aybowan, Wanakkam

  Class of ’62 Friends for over 50 years

  Go in triumph not in tears

Organizing Committee, we salute thee and thank

Your group ‘midst people, highly rank

For your talents, hard work, dedication

We offer our heartfelt appreciation

 And so, back to buses with our bags

 Still cheerful with our jokes and gags

 Feeling rather down but NOT OUT!

 Hi, Chira, Kusuma, heard the one about--?


Monday night arrives with its invitation cordial

From Ken and Swyrie, to their pad celestial

What a night of merriment and glee!

Food galore, drink, music, hospitality

‘Twas a fitting end with felicitations galore

Swyrie and Ken! You are a hard act to follow!


Presented by Zita ZZzz Perera Subasinghe

Photo courtesy, Mahesan Richards                                

1 comment:

  1. Zita! So clever, so funny and so wonderfully put! I am sure all those who were fortunate enough to be there will never forget this landmark episode in our lives. We talked, we ate, we danced, we sang, we drank, we laughed, we walked, we reminisced,we empathised, we shared good and bad experiences and we enjoyed each others company.
