
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Coverage of the Batch Reunion in the Sunday Times of Sept. 2nd, 2012

Colombo Medical Faculty batch of 62 �renews old ties with outing

They gathered in the lobby of the Cinnamon Grand Hotel on Friday before leaving for a long fun weekend at the Chaaya Tranz, Hikkaduwa. There was not only laughter and jokes but also nostalgia, for some of them had not met for many a long year, as much as 40 years.

Coming from across the world, America, England, Australia and New Zealand and from within Sri Lanka, these eminent doctors were the batch of 1962 who entered the Colombo Medical Faculty, as “penniless young people” as one doctor said, 50 years ago.

The committee which organised the reunion was headed by Dr. Swyrie Balendra and Secretary Dr. Lucky Abeygunawardene.

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