
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reunion News

I am happy to announce that we will have the largest ever gathering (in one place) of 1962 entrants to the Colombo Medical Faculty at the upcoming 50th Anniversary Batch Reunion to be held at Chaaya Tranz Hotel in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka from August 31st to September 2nd this year.

The following have already confirmed attendance and most of them will be accompanied by their spouses. With a few more waiting to make a last minute decision, we expect to see a gathering of 90 to 100 at this occasion. At least another 10 have sent me e-mails saying how much they wanted to join, but explaining why they are unable to make it. Some are faced with serious health issues and we wish them well at this time to regain normal health.

Considering that ours is a relatively small batch and that 15 of our dear colleagues have passed away during the last 50 years, we should be more than happy with the attendance. 

Confirmed Attendees 

1. Lalantha Amarasinghe
2. Anton Ambrose
3. Harischandra Boralessa (Bora)
4. Cyril Ernest
5. Srianee Fernando Dias (Bunter)
6. Mahendra Gonsalkorala (Speedy)
7. Devyani Gunasekara Salgado
8. Kumar Gunawardene
9. Lareef Idroos
10. Lakshman Jayasinghe (LS)
11. M.Z. Lameer
12. Douglas Mulgirigama
13. Nalin Nanayakkara (Nana)
14. Bertram Nanayakkara (Bertie)
15. Manel Ratnavibhushana Wijesundera
16. Rajan Ratnesar (Patas)
17. Mahesan Richards
18. Vasanthy Thuraisingham Perera
19. Lakshman Weerasuriya (Lucky)
20. Malkanthi Wijesuriya McCormick
21. T. Yoganathan (Yoga)
22. Lucian Perera
23. Suriyakanthi Karunaratne Amarasekera
24. Pramilla Kannangara Senanayake (Pram)
25. Kusuma Jayasuriya Ruberu
26. Swyrie Jayasekera Balendra
27. Priya Gunaratna de Silva
28. S.A.P. Gnanissara (Gnaniss)
29. J.C. Fernando (JC)
30. Sriani Dissanayake Basnayake
31. Surangani Abeysuriya Fernando (Sura)
32. Lakshman Abeyagunawardene (Lucky).
33. Sujatha Maligaspe Lena
34. Farouk Mahmoud
35. Shanthy Nalliah Edwards
36. Kamala Nimalasuriya de Silva
37. Victor (VPH) Rajapaksa
38. Ranjith Kuruppu
39. Chandra Silva Udukumbure
40. Chirasri Mallawarachchi Jayaweera Bandara
41. Bandula Jayasekara
42. R. Nadarajah
43. Jimmy Wickramasinghe
44. Senerath Jayatilake
45. Sunil Abeysuriya
46. S. Sarvananda
47. K. Balachandra
48. Vasantha Owitigala Jayasuriya
49. Revo Drahaman
50. Ranjan Wattegedera
51. Ranjan Hulugalle
52. Asoka Wijeyekoon (Lubber)
53. H.N. Wickramasinghe (HN) 
54. Sanath Lamabadusuriya (Lama)
55. Roshnara de Zoysa Gunaratne (Rosh)

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