
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Batch Performance at the Block Concert

My efforts to mobilise our colleagues have not been in vain. There is lateral communication going on.
Those who read my e-mails and visit the blog have been forwarding them to their friends who are not so regular in their Internet habits.

I have posted below some pictures from the item that our batch presented at the Block Concert. They were sent to me by Visveshwara (he was one of the main actors). You can't miss Vish in these pictures.


  1. Hi Lucky! These are fab photos. Well done all of you who have saved our memorable batch photos. I remember I didn't own a camera at that stage but I am ashamed to say I have a handful of photos lamenting in the basement of our Negombo house perhaps unrecognisable now from the ravages of time and book worms. May I borrow the above to illustrate a contribution I am making for our blog?
