
Friday, August 26, 2011

A. Satchithananda

Yet another of our batchmates is no more. "Satchie" as we fondly called him, passed away on August 21st, 2011 after a prolonged illness. As some of you know, Satchie was plagued by kidney problems and was mainly confined to his home in recent years. However, he was in touch with me till last month when I received his last e-mail on July 2nd, 2011 (see below).

Since he migrated to the US in the late sixties, Satchie preferred to be called "Michael Satchie". But we all remember the more familiar name and figure of "Satchie" on his BSA Bantam during his medical student days.

Satchie faced many personal tragedies during his lifetime, worst of which was the loss of his father under tragic circumstances during the Black July of 1983. His younger brother Harindranath (who was in Medical College during our time) too passed away recently.

Satchie was an avid photographer. The series of pictures of Wellawatte where he grew up (now doing the rounds on the Internet) was his creation. These pictures were taken by him on his last visit to Sri Lanka in 1981. One of Satchie's regrets was that some who made use of these pictures never gave him credit for what he did. The best tribute I can pay him is publishing them on this blog.

May he Rest in Peace.

From: Satchie <>
Date: Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 10:37 PM
Subject: From a Tamil Batchmate in Florida

Dear Lucky:

Thanks very much for your prompt reply.
It is very comforting, indeed, when a friend obliges with requested information so expeditiously . But it is also with a tinge of sadness I realize over and over that my chances of seeing or visiting with my good friends are waning rapidly…my inability to travel at all has condemned me to reclusiveness and the stage V renal failure with no other stages left to seek refuge in have prisoned me in my house.
People, films, TV talk shows are comfortable in discussing "bucket lists", things to do before one dies, and in my case with inability to travel I can only list virtual trips and first in the list is my "village" in Colombo where I grew up for 25 years after coming home from DMH !! . The village is fragmented now and the diaspora has destroyed the neighborhood spirit that had nurtured me during all those years.

Thanks again Lucky for your promptness, much appreciated.
Warm Regards

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