
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Indra has sent two paintings of a dog called Sandy which had been their pet several years ago done in WATER COLOR. According to Indra, they illustrate two different techniques used in water color paintings. The DRY and the WET techniques, which here are easy to make out. Sometimes the painter starts with the wet technique where the paper is wet at the time of painting and then allows the paper to dry out before finishing the painting, using the technique to accentuate some areas. Water color is not an easy technique to master.


Oil on canvas

                                                                  OIL ON CANVAS.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Episode 3, May 2017

Lakshman Abeyagunawardene, 
Consultant Community Physician and Writer

It is my great pleasure to record this virtual interview with my much admired colleague and friend Lucky, and I thank him for his kind permission to post this on our own Blog, ColomboMedgrads1962 which as we all know is the brainchild of the subject of this interview, Lucky Abeyagunawardene himself.

Speedy: Good morning Lucky and thanks for appearing on the Speedy Interview. You are my third subject, the others being Cyril and Zita.

Lucky: My pleasure Speedy. By the way, have I ever called you Mahendra or Gonsal?

Speedy: As far as I can recall, I have always been Speedy to you. I am sure it was UVA (Ananda De Silva) who coined that name after the then popular song by Pat Boone called Speedy Gonzales, and it stuck! Coming back to you Lucky, there are so many things about you we can discuss, but if you don’t mind, we shall confine this to your early pre-school life, your school days, Medical Faculty days and key events that followed. Will that be OK?

Lucky: Sure. I certainly don’t mind! Just keep me under control if I stray a bit from your agenda. I have a tendency to digress when writing.
Speedy: Astute observation! That’s fine. You are a Hikkaduwaman born at the height of the Second World War and one of 4 children born to Cyril and Elsie Dias Abeyagunawardene. Are there some lingering memories of Hikkaduwa? My father incidentally is from Hikkaduwa and I have very fond memories of visiting his family and of hours of sea bathing.

Lucky: My ancestral home was by the seaside on the main Galle Road. I was born in that house called “Sandfield”, but had moved to Galle when I was just a toddler. As such, I cannot remember my maternal grandmother who was living at the time or for that matter, anything else around the Hikkaduwa house except perhaps the great big ocean.  Strangely, I remember albeit very vaguely, the Seenigam Devale which was on a tiny island in mid sea, clearly visible from the Galle Road.
I do remember my mother talking about Gonsalkorales of Hikkaduwa. That was long before I met you in Medical College.

Speedy: Well, can hardly blame you. It has been a long time. You then moved to Galle and from there to Hendala and on to Colombo in 1949.

Lucky: Yes, that’s right. My father was a government servant and all this happened on his transfer from Galle to Colombo.

Speedy: I see, government servants were indeed subject to transfers. How well do you remember your childhood and of people who had a great influence on you?

Lucky: I remember very vaguely the house in Kalegana, Galle (where we lived for a short time) but moved to the larger house that my father had built at Mahamodera, while I was still a pre-school kid. Other than my mother, I don’t think anyone else influenced me that much in my childhood. However, since my mother’s elder sister lived just behind our Kalegana house, I spent a lot of time with my three cousins – Hubert, Samson and Christie who were much older than me. The youngest Christie is none other than the well known Chest Physician Dr. Chris Uragoda who is still living aged 89. Other than my own mother who had influenced me, it was Chris Uragoda that I looked up to as a role model.

Speedy: That is most interesting. You probably know that my brother Raj is married to Indira Kottegoda, daughter of Prof SRK. Chris Uragoda is Prof Kotte’s wife’s younger sister who died last year. So indirectly, we are related! Let us talk about your education. What was your first school and when did you enter St Anthony’s College, Wattala? And what were the circumstances that led to you entering Carey College, Colombo which interestingly was located very close to the Colombo Medical Faculty.

Lucky: I remember very well how I started schooling. Like most boys of that era, I had been admitted to two Girls’ schools to begin with. They were Holy Cross College, Gampaha and Good Shepherd’s Convent, in Nayakakanda, Hendala. As the Convent would not take boys beyond Standard II, I was admitted to St. Anthony’s College, Wattala while we were yet in Hendala.

The circumstances that led to my admission to Carey College are a long story, but I shall summarise it.

On being allocated government housing at Manning Town, Colombo 8 following a long waiting period, my father had to move the family from Hendala to Colombo at the end of 1949. I had just been promoted to Standard IV (Grade 4 to present generations) at Anthony’s College, Wattala. But new students were not generally admitted to such “middle level” classes in primary sections in leading schools. As such, it was no easy task for my parents to find a suitable school for me in the big city. My two elder sisters were lucky and they gained admission to VisakhaVidyalaya in Bambalapitiya without any difficulty. My parents didn’t have sufficient “pull” to admit my younger brother and myself to a good Boys’ School in Colombo “in mid stream”. Thus, I ended up in Standard IV at Carey College, a little known private fee-levying Baptist school situated at the junction of Kynsey Road and Norris Canal Road. So close, but yet so far from a later destination – the Medical College which is just across the road from Carey College!

Speedy: As ND would say, “the awesome force of destiny”! Then you had to think of preparing yourself to enter University and although I know that you gained admission to Ananda, you may have ended up at Royal or Wesley. Their loss of course!

Lucky: Being the good Royalist you are, you have unwittingly given me the opportunity to explain myself! It was only at the end of 1951 when I was in Standard V at Carey College, that I was able to sit for admission tests to enter a better school. My father was very keen to admit me to Royal College, but in addition to Royal, he also sent in an application to Wesley College and on my request, to Ananda College as well. Royal College turned down my application on the grounds that I had to be 10 years and 6 months of age on January 1st 1952. I was underage by about three months. If I really wanted to get into Royal, I would have lost a year, and had I been successful in the admission test, I would have ended up in the Class of 1953 at Royal.  Instead, I faced the admission tests at Wesley and Ananda at the end of 1951 and was successful in both. I probably would have had my own religion in mind when I opted for Ananda – the premier Buddhist educational institution. I have no regrets for not being able to gain admission to Royal either. It is true that with contrasting features, Cinnamon Gardens and Maradana are at opposite ends of a spectrum as a school’s neighbourhood and environment. But as a student at Ananda, I found that greatness in a school does not depend on its locality. My Alma Mater would have flourished anywhere on earth, as an outstanding seat of learning!

Speedy: As I said, Royal’s loss, Ananda’s gain. Clearly, Buddhism had a great influence on you. I would like to talk about your school days at Ananda and in particular, how it shaped your character and personality. I am sure you were a good student but did you indulge in any extracurricular activities while at Ananda?

Lucky: As you know, I was at Ananda from 1952 to 1960. Needless to say, had I not entered Ananda, but decided to sacrifice a year to get into Royal, my personality would have been quite different. I must say that I was an average student. In hindsight, I now realise that I should have been more involved in extracurricular activities. Apart from being a cadet and playing table tennis, I was unable to play more outdoor games mainly because the school grounds was located some distance away from the school. My parents would have found it difficult to arrange transport had I wanted to stay on for cricket practice for instance – a game that I loved.

Speedy: Thank you for that honest and forthright recollection. Could you now clarify how and why you spent some time as a Teacher at Talatuoya Central School prior to starting your medical education in 1962? I am sure readers would also be interested in reading about your experience taking up a responsible job at such a young age.

Lucky: Unlike in the case of the Advanced Level (AL) examination of today when timeframes and calendars of events are uncertain and subject to change, the University Entrance (UE) examination during my student days was held almost with clockwork precision in December of each year. Results were released in January of the following year, and university academic sessions invariably started in June. That was also a time when only a mere one thousand students sought admission to the University in the Biological Sciences stream. Again unlike today, the UE examination consisted of both theory and laboratory practical components in all four subjects (Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry). Candidates who reached a certain standard in the “first leg” of the examination (theory and practicals) were then summoned by registered letter, for the “second leg” - what was called the Viva Voce examination. It was at the “viva” (interview) that university authorities made the final decision on who would enter the Medical Faculty and who would be admitted to Dental and Veterinary Faculties. Another lot from those who were not summoned for the “Viva” were admitted later to the Science Faculty to follow a course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc). The successful candidates, who qualified for professional degree courses such as Medicine and Dentistry, virtually had their future cut out for them even at that early stage. University entrants also made full use of the interim six-month period from January to June to find gainful temporary employment for which opportunities were many. Not only were they able to earn a few extra rupees, but they also gained valuable experience that was bound to serve them well in later life.

Speedy: I see now. You had a six month period to fill before commencing Medical studies.

Lucky: Yes. So it happened that as a teenager in late 1960, I applied for my very first job. I registered myself at the Education Department at Malay Street (for posts of Science Assistants) and also at the Central Employment Exchange at Lotus Road where available openings were more general and unknown till one was offered to a registrant. Largely due to the non-competitive climate prevailing at the time, I was successful in both! I preferred to accept the teaching post, foregoing the opportunity to join the Health Department as a Trainee Radiographer.

By some strange coincidence, it was on the very day that I reported for work at Talatuoya Central College that I heard the good news that I had been summoned for an interview at the University Staff Bungalow on Reid Avenue. I have preserved to this day, that all-important registered letter signed by the University Registrar M.D.G. Abeyratne, with the envelope in which it was enclosed!

My main responsibility at Talatuoya was to teach Science and Mathematics to students in “Pre-Senior” classes including the Senior School Certificate (SSC Prep) class. In addition, I was also assigned duties as class teacher in a lower class (grade seven).

When it was time for me to submit my resignation, I had to say goodbye not only to the school, staff and students, but also to the teaching profession of which I was a proud member even for such a short period. I was accorded a farewell at a special school assembly where I made my first real public speech as a government official!

Speedy: There is no doubt in my mind that the beneficiaries from your teaching stint were not just you but all the pupils and teachers that you had the privilege of working with. Let us now move on and discuss your medical career which began in 1962 when we all became proud and somewhat anxious medical students. Let me start by asking you, how old were you when you decided that you wanted to be a doctor and can you recall the reasons why?

Lucky: It was as a child that I first thought of becoming a doctor. My maternal uncle, his son and two more of my first cousins who were sons of my mother’s elder sister had already qualified as doctors because they were years older than me. Perhaps, my own decision to enter the medical profession was influenced to some extent by these close senior relatives.

Speedy: It is quite interesting to ask that question and in many cases, there were doctors in the family who indirectly influenced that crucial decision. I would welcome readers of this blog to comment on their own experience. Let us dwell on some significant points in your medical student days. There are many and some are chronicled in the Blog but I would appreciate a brief summary of the highlights.

Lucky: Sure Speedy, but before I move on to my medical student days, I must mention that like Zita Perera Subasinghe whom you had interviewed earlier, I too had to go through the 6 months course. Zita was among the 15 who had to do chemistry in the Science Faculty at Thurstan Road. So, even before I got to know you, I knew Zita. As a matter of interest, I must mention here that the first three to be featured on “Speedy Interviews” happen to be those who did Chemistry in the 6 months course. The other of course was Cyril Ernest.

I entered the Colombo Medical Faculty in June 1962 and graduated in March 1967. It was 5 years of hard work, but I enjoyed life as a medical student very much. The examinations came and went, but there were also fun events such as the Block Seniors versus Staff cricket match, the 2nd MB trip, Block Concert and Dance and the Final Year trip.

Speedy: Your next move was to serve as a Doctor. Please take us through your career path and it is always nice to listen to any anecdotes or snippets from you about those days.

Lucky: I did my Internship at Colombo South Hospital. One year later, I was posted to the Central VD Clinic (now called the STD clinic) at the General Hospital, Colombo. In 1969, I went back to Colombo South Hospital as a Medical Officer in the OPD. Soon after I got married, I opted for a career in Public Health and was posted as an MOH at Matara. While serving in that capacity, I was selected for a WHO Fellowship of two years duration.

Speedy: And that Fellowship led you to South Carolina, USA. What sort of work did you do and how much has that experience helped you as a Doctor working in Sri Lanka? Could you also touch on your decision which you held for a long time that you would not leave Sri Lanka permanently? I know that you have written a lot about this and about other aspects of your life in your book, “From Hikkaduwa to the Carolinas- Memoirs of a Reluctant Expatriate”, (published by Karunartne& Sons Ltd 2009, ISBN 978-955-9098-84-3), an absorbing and interesting read.

Lucky: That’s a long question, but I will try to answer it as briefly as possible. It would not be correct to say that my WHO Fellowship lead me to South Carolina. I spent the period of post graduate training at the University of California, Berkeley in 1974/75 and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH). For my course work, apart from core courses like Epidemiology, MCH, Biostatistics etc., I did non-medical subjects (or Behavioural Sciences) such as Sociology, Social Psychology, Medical Anthropology and Communication. On my return to Sri Lanka at the end of 1975, I was attached to the Health Education Bureau as a Consultant Community Physician/Health Education Specialist. In that capacity, what I studied in Berkeley came in very handy, particularly in field work.

In the early stages of my professional career, I never wanted to leave Sri Lanka on a permanent basis. However, I had to change this stance later on when my children were studying abroad and there was a social upheaval in the country. It was mainly for economic reasons that I emigrated to USA in 1997 when Green Cards came my way. That was when I settled down in South Carolina.

You have referred to the publication of my Memoirs – “From Hikkaduwa to the Carolinas”. It was done on my return to Sri Lanka soon after complete retirement in 2009. It is really a collection of articles that were published in Sri Lanka newspapers and covers my long journey from Hikkaduwa where I was born, to South Carolina in the US where I found employment. 
To complete my answer to your last question regarding my professional career, I have to mention that I retired from government service prematurely at the age of 48 to accept a position in UNICEF. Prior to that, I had done short term consultancies for the WHO and the Commonwealth Secretariat which took me to places like Indonesia and Malaysia.

Speedy: Thank you Lucky. That was a long journey indeed. You mentioned the social upheaval in the country and economic factors which contributed so much to the “brain drain”. That I am sure will resonate with a lot of our readers. I know you have touched on your own personal life as a husband and father but if you don’t mind, just take us through how you met Mangala and decided that the only life for you would be to be with her for the rest of your life?

Lucky: Well, it was an arranged marriage! We have been married for 47 years and I have been fortunate to have a supportive wife by my side right along. We have a son and daughter and three grandchildren. 
Speedy:What a splendid arrangement it proved to be! We cannot leave this discussion without referring to the Blog you started in 2011. I know I speak for our colleagues when I say that we are all most grateful to you for that.

Lucky: I knew that you would come to our Batch Blog sooner or later! It was started in 2011 as part of the build up towards our Batch Reunion that was held in Hikkaduwa to commemorate 50 years of our entry to the Colombo Medical Faculty. It is primarily for 1962 entrants and carries important news items, pictures, e-mail messages, announcements etc. I am glad that even after 6 years, the blog is continuing and helps in keeping the batch together. I would not have been able to sustain it this long if not for the support I have received from batch colleagues like you Speedy.  You have come up with so many new ideas to strengthen the blog’s in-built sustenance mechanism. In fact, this new feature of “Speedy Interviews” is one of them. You conceived the idea, conceptualised the entire exercise and put it into action. In my view, you Speedy, and I should equally share any credit for running this blog. I am also indebted to the regular contributors who unfortunately are just a handful. But I do know that there are many others who visit the blog, but don’t contribute or comment.

Speedy: Very generous of you to recognise my help. It has been an absolute pleasure and I will continue to do whatever I can to help you. You are now retired, spending time with your loved ones and may I ask you how you keep yourself occupied and healthy?

Lucky: This is a question that I am often asked by many people. In short, I now do what I want to do at my own pace. Believe me, there are so many things that I have to do even in retirement and quite often, I go to bed around midnight. I spend a lot of time at the computer, watching TV, attending to minor handy work around the house and indulging in my favourite pastime - walking. 

Speedy: The secret of aging well, keep yourself mentally and physically actively engaged. And finally Lucky, what makes you “tick”? Are you philosophical, religious? Do you spend time wondering about the mysteries of life?

Lucky: I take it that what you mean by “tick” is what keeps me going, especially in a healthy mental state. I am neither philosophical nor overtly religious. But I do wonder at times about so called “mysteries of life”. All I can say is that I have cut down stress to a bare minimum and take each day as it comes. I like to be independent as long as possible, with no bosses looking over my shoulder. It is my personal opinion that even in retirement, it is very important that a person should be economically independent as well. My wish is that in the end, I don’t become a burden on my family.

Speedy: Thanks so much Lucky for being so frank with me. I am sure that readers would find this fascinating and absorbing. Before we conclude, could you please name five people in the World, from past and present, you admire the most.

Lucky: That’s a difficult one. It is impossible to name five people in the world, from past and present, because there are so many who fall into that category. It will be grossly unfair if I have to leave out any of them just to restrict the number to five. So, please Speedy, let me skip that.

In conclusion, I definitely must thank you once again for all what you have done to help me run this blog.

Speedy: You have given your reasons and I respect that. Once again, it has been a pleasure to “talk” to you and obtain so many insights into you and your life experience. I would like to conclude by wishing you and Mangala continuing happiness in your life together.

For those who like to read Episode 1 (Cyril), the link is

And Episode 2 (Zita) is:

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Still life with Cherries, lying on a marble slab.

Landscape - Grand canal in Venice, Italy. Oil on canvas.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Creative Spot by Indra Anandasabapathy

Poppy & Digitalis - oil on canvas

Still life with fruit - oil on canvas

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Episode 2,  May 2017
Zita Perera Subasinghe, Ophthalmologist, Pianist and Writer.

It is my great pleasure to record this virtual interview with my close friend Zita and I thank her for her kind permission to post this on our own Blog, ColomboMedgrads1962 which as we all know is the brainchild of Lucky Abeyagunawardene.

Speedy: Good morning Zita. Thank you so much for agreeing.
Zita: Good morning Mahendra, or should it be Speedy?
Speedy: Oh yes, it could be Speedy, Mahen, Mahendra or even Gonsal. Zita, we know of course that you entered the Faculty in 1962. The photo I am showing you came from your “signature book” which we all had to maintain.Was yours a direct entry or did you do the six months’ course first?
Zita:That photo, gosh, it seems such a long time ago! About my entering the Medical Faculty, I first did the six months’ course in Chemistry.
Speedy:  And remind us which school you came from and anything special you did at School
Zita:I attended Good Shepherd Convent Kotahena. It was a wonderful time. Writing was my hobby at all times.
Speedy:When you say writing, what sort of writing did you do at school? Have you got anything on record you can share with us?
Zita: There were many clubs in the school and I would be the one to volunteer to write any articles for publication in the school magazine or paper. I may be able to find something I saved somewhere but I can’t be sure. Three friends and I had a 'secret society' just for fun. And sometimes we would share poems and articles each of us has written. I am only in touch with one of these friends right now.
Speedy: We know your skills with the piano and keyboard. Could you tell us how you got into this what must have been, and still is, a highly satisfying pastime?
Zita:My mum sent me for music lessons at age 7 years. By 11 when I had done about 4 exams I fell ill and my dad stopped me doing music lessons. There was a break of about 30 years and once I arrived in the UK I bought a piano and now while I can read music I prefer to play ‘by ear’.
Speedy: Who would you say inspired you most as a student at school?
Zita:I had a couple of very good teachers. Mrs Subramaniam truly inspired me. I have a friend Angela, who was in school with me, who now lives in New Zealand. She was my best friend and she encouraged me. I am still in touch with her.
Speedy: Let’s talk about the Medical Faculty. Can you recall your first week’s experience?
Zita: It’s a haze. I was nervous, felt like a fish out of water but I looked at the boys who were going through rag week and I felt so lucky nobody was interested in me.
Speedy: How great a transition was it in your life?
Zita: It was a great transition but when you’ve worked hard to get there, you just count yourself really lucky and any negative side is easily forgotten.
Speedy: I can quite relate to that Zita. Let us dwell for a moment on our teachers. We all remember the great teachers we had and would you like to talk a bit about them?
Zita: Prof Carlo Fonseka, oh I so admired him! He was so approachable too. Prof Koch was a favourite too and later Prof Rajasuriya. Oh dear I hope I got his name right, it’s my memory gremlins at work. I consider all the teachers we had a bunch of the best that ever there was.Then in my six months’ course in Chemistry one of my professors was Prof C.  Dharmawardena. He gave me tremendous encouragement during lectures if I happened to answer a question put to the students with a suitable answer, and he had that amazing ability to make the subject interesting, the hallmark of a good teacher.
Speedy:You did get Prof KR right! This is all good. Is there any experience that stands out?
Zita:I remember answering a question on how muscle tone is maintained, in our second MB physiology exam and being told by one of our teachers that I did a very good answer. It was rare for me to get such comments so it meant a lot.
Speedy:Good feedback is always a boost! Coming on to your career choice, we know you chose Ophthalmology as a career in which you distinguished yourself in Sri Lanka and in the UK. I would be very interested to know how you chose that particular path and whether your husband Joe was an influence. Perhaps you could talk about how you met Joe too!
Zita: Yes of course, Joe had a great influence on that choice, plus when I arrived in Cardiff, South Wales, where Joe did his optometry studies, we looked for a job for me around there and the first one that came to my notice was a SHO in Ophthalmology! So I just accepted it. And the rest is history, as they say.
Speedy:Quite! Your career had spells in both Countries. Do you have any regrets that you ended up in the UK rather than practising in Sri Lanka?
Zita: No. I think as doctors, as long as we care for sick human beings in any part of the world, we are doing what Sri Lanka trained us to do. And besides I was better able to help my family financially and this was very important as I was the eldest.
Speedy: As you know Zita, this topic has been much discussed in our blog and I am sure we all appreciate that personal circumstances differ and we all have to make choices in life.
Let us move on to talking about your family, and knowing you well, I know that family is very important to you. I am sure readers would like to know more about your family. Could you talk about them now if you don’t mind?
Zita: As I said, we were a family of 11 children, and I was the eldest and the only girl. My father died when I was in my 3rd MB. So after I qualified I was able to help mum financially. I arrived in the UK to work, and in 1974 mum died of Multiple Myeloma. But fortunately, most of my brothers did higher qualifications and are all employed. Four died along the way at quite young ages and now there are 7 of us.
My own family of hubby, Joe and children, Nisha and Rohan and daughter in law Tanuja, and now our grandson Riyan, mean all the world to me. I am truly proud of them.
Speedy: So you should be! I didn’t realise that you had to experience such a lot of sadness but your dedication to family comes as no surprise. I consider myself lucky to have met Joe and your lovely kids; one can hardly call them kids! The recent arrival of Riyan (the main reason you were not able to attend the last Batch Reunion), meant so much to his parents and to you and Joe. I am glad that he is doing well. Coming back to music, do you still pursue your interest in Music? I also gather that you are bit of a linguist!
Zita: Well I have a Clavinova 605 model which practically ‘plays itself’!
Speedy: You are being very modest! You are quite an accomplished player! We have enjoyed listening to your YouTube posts with you on the Clavinova and Joe doing the vocals.
Zita:  If you say so! And about the linguist bit, I study French as Joe and I love France and we visit it as often as possible. And I like the French language. It’s not easy but it’s so rewarding to learn it.
Speedy:My French is quite limited and I do think it is a beautifully sounding language. On a more personal level, now that we are all older and hopefully wiser, are you willing to share with us any views you may have about the meaning of life, morals, ethics, patriotism and other deeper issues?
Zita: That would take pages, Mahendra! In a few simple words, I think it’s a great gift to be born, and we should enjoy our lives and take care of our spouse, children and all dependents and get on with others we meet in our lives. Only do something if it doesn’t hurt anyone. Educate yourself to the highest possible level available to you.  Carry out your life’s work to the best of your ability. Live one moment at a time and don’t fret about the future.  And I am a Christian so I follow its precepts and hold on to its values.
Speedy: That is sound and very practical advice. It should appeal to all of us.
Zita: Well, as human beings, we should look after and care for our fellow beings as best as we can and we also have a duty to look after our own selves.
Speedy:Quite true. Zita, you have been a regular contributor to our Blog which was started and so well managed by the tireless Lucky. Any general views on it and any advice on how we can encourage more participation?
Zita;Everyone knows how much I admire Lucky, you and all others who have helped in various ways to run this Blog. I still have faith that other batch mates will take a more active part. It only takes a few minutes to do a small contribution which will make everyone happy. We can learn so much from one another. We worked together for 5 undergrad years. We can’t possibly forget all that.
Speedy:I agree with you entirely. And finally Zita, as with all of us, we have more contact with some of our colleagues than with others as is perfectly natural. Any thoughts on your closest contacts and what it means to you?
Zita: Right now I am in regular contact with you and Nihal and also Lucky. Then there is Suji Maligaspe, Malkanthie, Pramilla and Suriyakanthie. We have never lost touch with one another in all these 50 years. It is possible that I may have missed somebody as my memory is playing tricks on me at times! If I did, sorry!Not forgetting of course the regular blog contributors and those who post comments.
Speedy: Thank you for taking part in Episode 2 of the Speedy Virtual Interview Series. May I wish you and all your family good health and happiness?
Zita: Thank you Speedy for your interest and I do hope that these memoirs, recalled at your behest, will be of interest to Blog readers and I do hope you will continue this series. Thank you so much.

Speedy: My pleasure Zita. And that concludes Episode 2. Watch out for Episode 3 which will follow soon.