
Friday, November 29, 2013

Message from Sanath Lamabadusuriya

From: Professor Sanath P. Lamabadusuriya <>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 7:39 AM
Subject: Buddhika

Dear Friends,

As some of you may already be aware, Buddhika's funeral took place
yesterday (Friday) at Kanatte.

She spent over one month at the Asiri Central Hospital, Colombo during her
terminal illness, Harshan, our second son came over from UK
to be with her at her bed-side during the last few weeks. (He came several
times during the last  two years to spend quality time with her).

She was cared for by an excellent team of doctors, led by Dr. Kanishka
Karunaratna, (most of whom were my former students in Galle and Colombo).
Buddhika herself had taught some of them. I was amazed by their level of
commitment and loving care in addition to their professional skills.

Buddhika's final moments were as planned by her. All four of us were with her
reciting pirith. As she was fond of flowers, I was very glad to see her
surrounded by lovely bouquets and wreaths when friends and relations came to
pay their final respects.While I was kept busy with my professional
activities, she brought up the three children in an exemplary manner. I am sure
that she was quite pleased with what they achieved during her lifetime. She
led a very spiritual life spending a lot of time and and resources for
Buddhist activities. She helped quite a lot of our relatives who were less
well off, for their social upliftment. I learnt many things in life from
her during our 37 years of wedded life. She was solely responsible for
arranging the marriages of two of our chidren. Dilusha's marriage was
arranged by her from her sick bed.

Dear friends, you could once again commence to send e-mails and I will have
more time to read them and respond.

Kind regards,


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Buddhika Lamabadusuriya

It is with profound sadness that I record here the passing away of Buddhika, beloved wife of our friend and fellow 1962 entrant to the Colombo Medical Faculty Sanath Lamabadusuriya. Please see details and funeral arrangements in the obituary notice below.

LAMABADUSURIYA (nee EDIRIWICKREME) BUDDHIKA AMODANI. Beloved wife of Sanath, loving mother of Shamin, Harshan and Dilusha, mother-in-law of Michelle and Upul, daughter of the late Romie and Nita Ediriwickrema, sister of Kumar, Ransi and Janani, passed away peacefully after a prolonged illness. Cortege leaves residence at 4.00 p.m. on Friday 29th of November. Cremation at 5.00 p.m. at General Cemetery Kanatte (Borella). 38 A, Nawala Road, Nugegoda.         - See more at:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Our Blog has a New Look

I have replaced the Header Image with a new picture. As you can see, even the exterior of the Colombo Medical Faculty buildings have been given a new look.



Tuesday, November 5, 2013

From Razaque's Diary

On seeing the posting with your prologue/preamble on blog, brought flash-backs of my Primary School /Senior School days at St.Anthony's College, Wattala.You may or may not remember the happenings at that point in time as you left school when your family had to move on in view of your father's government posting. As a result, we parted company!! Therefore, you may not recollect the many nicknames, and thus the name callings by my so called "classmates" that I had to endure due to my physical appearance. They called me -- Double-Head, Big Head, ALI-OLUWA, Bada, ALUGHOSUWA, HYS GEDDIYA, Tadpole" as I was  "largely" built with an above average size of head. Also, another impediment I suffered was a severe strutter/ stammer --- so, it was a case of relentless-- GOTHAYA & GOLUWA!!. Along with the above "also known as"--AKA!!! Also, in view of my conformation to ancient religious practices (also by Jews!!) to the male gender, which I shall not elaborate, I had further bullying.........

I was bigger and stronger than those RUNTS. So the only way I could get my own back was BRUTE FORCE. They did feel the knuckles of my clenched fist on their SNOUTS, GOBS and JAWS!!, and they ran crying to the teachers!!! Sometimes I was punished and at other times, they themselves got the treatment --- to my glee!!! As years passed by, things settled down and these harassments receded. I had other interests that took my fancy such as, Cricket, Football, Athletics, Spelling-Bee, Quiz Team etc., in all of which I excelled.  However, I was deprived the Captaincy. You know "ALWAYS THE BESTMAN, NEVER THE GROOM" just as "Always the bridesmaid, never the BRIDE." "THE BESTMAN NEVER GETS THE BRIDE"!!! I suppose this was a blessing in disguise--- I became more and more determined to "GET AHEAD"!!

It all came to a head when we had to face "all comers" Public Examinations --- THE SENIOR SCHOOLS CERTIFICATE (S.S.C) --you may recollect. At this point, I proved a point that I was not all that HYS(empty) up there!!! I obtained a First Division pass with distinctions in Physics, Pure Maths & Applied Maths and in the rest of the subjects credit passes, being the first in the history of the fledgling school to achieve a First Division pass in any stream-Science or Arts!!! However, the award I cherished most was the credit in Sinhala, being the only candidate to do so that year from all the streams of study from the school!!! (In actual fact there were several other candidates achieving distinction passes)!!!!! My glory days were yet to come--- when I was the FIRST EVER, again, from the school's Bio Science stream to enter the University to follow a course in Medicine. The moral of this is "WHAT GOES ROUND COMES ROUND". The day I received the results, I took the letter to school and showed it to the Rector. He was delighted and subsequently that day, a notice went round to all the classes declaring a Half Holiday for the whole school!!! I was delighted as I thought it was for my success!! In actual fact this was due to the inclement weather conditions and NOT for my achievement!!! Disappointed again!!!

It was at this point, as fate played its hand, that you and I had to meet again and be reunited in the First MB course. Rest is history. Alas, we had to part company again on qualifying as doctors.

I shall contact you again with my "situation experiences" in my medical practice from Siyambalanduwa... to the ANTIPODES!!!

Watch this will be again at "MY EXPENSE" and nothing Clinical!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Anatomy Block Centenary Commemoration (1913-2013)

The Department of Anatomy of the Colombo Medical Faculty held the Anatomy Block Centenary Commemoration (1913-2013) on 3rd November, 2013 at the Anatomy Block, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. The main ceremony was held in the dissection room where we did our dissections in 1962/63.

The Invitation
Dr. Madhuwanthi Dissanayake, Head of the Department of Anatomy welcomed the guests. The Keynote Address was delivered by Prof. Rohan W. Jayasekara, Chair and Senior Professor of Anatomy and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. The title of the address was "Hundred Years and Beyond". The day's programme included the launch of the Centenary Souvenir and naming of the Anatomy Museum as the "Prof. P.S.S. Panditharatne Anatomy Museum". The Vote of Thanks was Proposed by Prof. Vajira H.W. Dissanayake, Professor in Anatomy. The proceedings concluded with a visit to the refurbished Old Anatomy Lecture Theatre.
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Rohan Jayasekara delivering the Keynote Address.
Guests in the front row are seated exactly at the spot where the cadaver assigned to me was placed during the First Term (June - September, 1962).

The Souvenir 

As a contributor to the Centenary Souvenir, I was presented with a copy.

A section of the audience.
As I always do at these gatherings, I tried to spot members of our batch to get a group photograph. It looked as if I was the only person among 1962 entrants to grace the occasion. Former members of the academic staff of the Department of Anatomy were present. Of our past teachers in the Anatomy Block, only Prof. Shanthi Goonewardene was present. Most of them including Professors M.J. Waas, P.K. Chanmugam, Lester Jayawardene, P.S.S. Panditharatne have passed away.